「金星倶楽部~黒色すみれ×KIMONO姫」Kimono Hime Event


Currently we are looking for a new apartment to move into, that’s why life has been super busy recently and I failed to blog.
Also several people from overseas decided to come to Tokyo and there were several events so I had packed but fun weeks!



One of said events was one I got my ticket for quite early and looked forward to for a while – The Kimono姫 event together with the musicians 黒色すみれ (kokushoku sumire) and CHOKO as a special guest.


The dresscode for the event was kimono or yukata and the theme “modern girl x modern boy”. I chose an antique meisen summer komon with waves and chidori bird patterns. Since the kimono was very small I had it re-sewn in width by a kimono professional and wore it without ohashori.


Kimono hime event 2016

The green obi matches my hair and I made my own obidome from a vintage guitar key chain.

Kimono hime event 2016

Kimono hime event 2016

The event itself was hold in Odaiba, Tokyo bay and I caught up with Kimono Stylist Sala from Melbourne again before the event.
会場は、お台場の「東京カルチャーカルチャー」。行く途中で、メルボルンの着物スタイリストSala Okabeと待ち合わせして、待ち時間つぶしの為にVenus Fortのショッピングモールを案内しました(笑)ちょっとヨーロピアンな感じで、里帰りした気分?w

Kimono hime event 2016

Waiting for the doors to open..

Kimono hime event 2016

Actually I had been to this location before so I snagged myself a good seat and dived into the ocean of beautiful antique and modern kimono.
Everybody looked so splendid!

Kimono hime event 2016

Kimono hime event 2016

Star of the night: Choko

Kimono hime event 2016

Good to see so many kimono friends at this event!会場には、お友達もたくさんいました♡

Kimono hime event 2016

The lady in the polka dot kimono is the editor and head behind Kimono姫 Magazine! I was so happy to finally meet her.
ポルカドット着物の人は田辺さん、Kimono姫の編集者ですよ〜〜 さすがお洒落ですね!

Kimono hime event 2016

A very “hime” coordinate: とても「姫」なモダンコーデ:

Kimono hime event 2016

After some shopping, chatting and food the show started off with the stunning ensemble “黒色すみれ” who are performing taisho retro music in kimono or victorian style clothing.

Kimono hime event 2016

Kimono hime event 2016

Kimono hime event 2016

If you like to know how they sound – I captured a little of their performance on video:

Next up was a small talk show with Choko, Tanabe-san and the musicians talking about their kimono inspirations and showing coordinate photos.

Kimono hime event 2016

Kimono hime event 2016

Choko then showed how to tie the “Cat ear musubi” (猫耳結び) with a cat print obi. I can’t show you how it is done here – but the next Kimono姫 magazine will have a step by step tutorial!

Kimono hime event 2016

That was basically it!
Afterwards you could just have a little more chat with fellow kimono people at the after-party.

Kimono hime event 2016

By coincidence we had some outfit points alike: The colour green and some E-guitar vibes.
Unfortunately the lighting was bad and nobody managed to take an unburied picture..

Kimono hime event 2016

Kimono hime event 2016

Kimono hime event 2016

These girls are so cute!! 可愛いーー

Kimono hime event 2016

Thanks for reading.

皆さんは、どんなイベントが好きですか?これまで行った印象にのこっているイベントはなんですか? ご感想、質問、苦情(汗!)など、どしどし、コメントしてくださいね!Anji

