• 「SHISHUMANIA初個展開催」SHISHUMANIA joint exhibition

    「SHISHUMANIA初個展開催」SHISHUMANIA joint exhibition
    Long time no see on my blog! Isn’t this year just like a crazy nightmare?Since my last entry in April not much has changed in the world of COVID it seems. Although things seemed a little better in Japan during June, we are now hitting the second wave with cases spreading all across the country.. Staying home since March (apart from maybe 3-4 careful...
  • 「キモノとビジネス」Kimono and Business

    「キモノとビジネス」Kimono and Business
    Last week I was invited as a guest speaker at the Ritsumeikan University. みなさん、ごきげんよう。台風続きで困っちゃいますね。もうこれ以上被害がでないでほしいです。 気温の変化も激しくなる今日この頃ですね。マスクに咳している人も目立つ季節となりました。ご慈愛下さいね。 さて、今回のお題ですが、先週、なんと、あの立命館大学でお話をする機会を頂いてしまったのです。以前、都内の大学でもお話をさせてもらっていますが、関西に初進出です(おおげさか! 笑) 素敵な立命館大学大阪茨木キャンパス(通称:OIC) Before my visit I was really thinking about what I should wear. Firstly I thought, it would be best to wear a new tailored and well-fitting kimono to show that I am a professional.But then I thought… Wearing an expensive or well fitting kimono is rather easy, and...
  • 「2019年度 足袋コレ」Tabi Collection 2019

    「2019年度 足袋コレ」Tabi Collection 2019
    How are you doing? The summer still seemed to have stretched out in Japan, my hometown in Germany however seemed to have entered Autumn moods. Now it is October! Can you believe it? Time flies so fast. 残暑の中、如何お過ごしでしょうか?ついに10月に入ってしまいましたね~。朝晩は涼しくなってきましたが、日中は真夏さながらの日差しと湿気がすごい日がまだありますね。ご慈愛のほどを。 On the 22nd of September 2019, the Tabi Collection (called “tabicolle 2019”) took place at the Edo Tokyo Festival in Ueno, Tokyo. In case you feel...
  • Kimono Styled & Restyled 「ファッションとしてのきもの 1300 年」

    Kimono Styled & Restyled 「ファッションとしてのきもの 1300 年」
    Last month I went to Osaka and Kyoto for a couple of days. (Mixing business with pleasure) A friend of mine introduced me to this interesting exhibition by the Kyoto Textile Fabrics Wholesaler’s Association which just had their 50th Anniversary. Luckily I had time to check it out before heading back to Tokyo. 先月は関西に行ってきたついでに、「ファッションとしてのきもの1300年」との着物展示会に出会いました。写真はOKでしたので、こちらで軽く紹介したいと思います。 This exhibition was beautifully curated and showcasing the evolution of...
  • 「夏の思い出 2018」Summer throwback - Bon dance, Awa odori and Yukata

    「夏の思い出 2018」Summer throwback - Bon dance, Awa odori and Yukata
    The trees start changing their colours. A fresh breeze makes you want to wrap yourself in a cosy jacket. It’s officially sweater weather. Autumn has arrived. 紅葉が始まりましたね。風も肌寒くなりジャケットがほしい今日この頃です。先日まで台風で大変でしたが、セーターの時期になったといっていいのではないでしょうか?皆さんはいかがお過ごしですか? Since I have a backlog of pictures from this Summer I’d love to share them here as my: Summer throwback! Bon dance, fireworks, Awa-odori and a lot of sweating in yukata. You probably know already that Japan...
  • 「六本木ヒルズ春まつり」Roppongi Spring Festival 2018

    「六本木ヒルズ春まつり」Roppongi Spring Festival 2018
    Last weekend (7th and 8th of April, 2018) I participated the spring festival or “Haru Matsuri” at Roppongi Hills in Tokyo. 2018年4月7及び8日と六本木ヒルズさんの春祭りに参加させてもらいました! 六本木ヒルズの春まつりとは、六本木ヒルズ自治会、森ビル株式会社主催で六本木ヒルズアリーナで毎年行われます。今年は六本木ヒルズさんの15周年でしたよ! Black lace kimono on red juban for a modern look. 黒レース着物で襦袢の色も見せる楽しさ。 Although the Bon dance in summer is well known, the spring festival is still not as famous yet. Organized by the Roppongi hills local community group and the Ropppngi Hills...