• 「夏の思い出 2018」Summer throwback - Bon dance, Awa odori and Yukata

    「夏の思い出 2018」Summer throwback - Bon dance, Awa odori and Yukata
    The trees start changing their colours. A fresh breeze makes you want to wrap yourself in a cosy jacket. It’s officially sweater weather. Autumn has arrived. 紅葉が始まりましたね。風も肌寒くなりジャケットがほしい今日この頃です。先日まで台風で大変でしたが、セーターの時期になったといっていいのではないでしょうか?皆さんはいかがお過ごしですか? Since I have a backlog of pictures from this Summer I’d love to share them here as my: Summer throwback! Bon dance, fireworks, Awa-odori and a lot of sweating in yukata. You probably know already that Japan...
  • 「金星倶楽部~黒色すみれ×KIMONO姫」Kimono Hime Event

    「金星倶楽部~黒色すみれ×KIMONO姫」Kimono Hime Event
    Currently we are looking for a new apartment to move into, that’s why life has been super busy recently and I failed to blog. Also several people from overseas decided to come to Tokyo and there were several events so I had packed but fun weeks! みなさん、お元気ですか? 最近は、引っ越しのため物件探しや色々なイベント、海外からの来客で忙しくて、ブログを書けておりませんでした。バタバタでしたけど、楽しい時間もたっぷりでした。 One of said events was one I got my ticket for quite early and looked forward...
  • 「7月着物コーデ」Kimono Styles July 2016

    「7月着物コーデ」Kimono Styles July 2016
    I regularly post my kimono coordinates on my Instagram & Twitter but fail to do so on my blog. So I thought I would show all the styles I wore in July here in a complete post. 着物コディネートの写真はよくインスタグラムやツイッターなどに載せますが、ブログにUPするのはいつも忘れちゃいます。そのため、今回「7月着物コーデのまとめ」として紹介したいと思います。 LET’S START ☆ For a meeting I chose a rather toned down summer kimono and spiced it up with a cute gold fish obi. The bag...
  • 「原宿ラフォーレで着物ショッピング」Harajuku LaForet's kimono shops

    「原宿ラフォーレで着物ショッピング」Harajuku LaForet's kimono shops
    Last Saturday I went to Harajuku’s LaForet Shopping mall to check out the nice kimono pop up shops there. During the Summer months, many kimono brands offer their yukata and kimono items in department stores in the city. 土曜日は原宿ラフォーレにある様々な着物ブランドのポップアップへ行ってまいりました。 But before that let me show you my outfit. It was a very special day for me because I made my Hakama Debut! (Meaning I...