
SALZ Tokyoでは、日本の着物をお土産として購入したい方や、伝統的な衣服を着たいけれどどこから始めていいか分からない方向けに、着物のショッピングツアーをご提供しています。

東京には多くの着物店がありますが、どこで、どのように、どのようなアイテムを揃えればいいのかわからないと、着物を着ることを躊躇してしまう方も多いのではないでしょうか。私たちは、お客様の着物の夢を楽しくかつ快適に叶えるお手伝いをすることを目的に、SALZ Tokyoを設立しました。 私たちと一緒に、東京のおしゃれな着物ショップで、素晴らしく魅力的な着物を見つけ、自分だけの素敵な着物スタイルを完成させましょう!





・価格:税込25,000円(230ドル/200ユーロに相当)(セット価格:お2人でご参加の場合:38,000円/350ドル または、グループ最大6人の場合:50,000円/450ドル)
・場所:東京都内およびその周辺地域/他の地域については要相談 ・言語:英語、日本語、ドイツ語


※ ご予約の際に、ご希望や目的、予算などをお知らせください。(古着の着物は最も手頃な価格ですが、新品やカスタムの着物も可能です。)
※ お探しのアイテムにマッチする場所を基に、ツアー/ルートを計画します。
※ 当日は複数の店舗を巡り、着物アイテムを探すお手伝いをします。 ※ ツアー中に着物に関するすべての質問に答えることができますので、遠慮なくお尋ねください。
※ 電車で移動する場合は、お客様自身で運賃をお支払いいただく必要があります。入場料なども同様です。
※ ツアーの料金は全額前払い制です。なお、ツアー開始の3日前までのキャンセルについては全額返金可能ですが、それ以降のキャンセルや連絡なしの不参加につきましては、全額請求させていただきます。
※ 悪天候の場合は、日程の変更が可能です。



Customer Reviews

Special experience

I had a wonderful time visiting various kimono shops with Anji on our kimono shopping tour! She was able to make a special introduction at a kimono design company I had admired for a long time, allowing us to visit their HQ which is not normally open to the public! It was such a special and unique experience that I never would have been able to arrange on my own.

In addition to this, we visited an array of vintage kimono shops as well where I found some beautiful antique pieces. We both found some really special, unique kimono pieces and I can’t wait to wear them back home!

March 15th, 2019

Wonderful success!

The kimono shopping tour was a wonderful success! Anji is clearly very passionate, knowledgeable, and experienced with kimono. She took me to many great stores I otherwise would never had found.
I was searching for very specific things style and material wise which generally were out of season (besides the fact that finding kimono for men is in itself already more difficult), but I was still able to find a great and varied amount of clothing thanks to her — as much within what I was looking for, as what I wasn't originally interested in or even aware of. Her translations throughout the tour were also invaluable. Again, thank you so much Anji!

Jan 31st, 2024

Cool finds!

As a person who is interested in wearing kimono, I can tell that the kimono tour by SALZ Tokyo is a great opportunity for diving into the world of kimono. Especially if you are beginner you can explore various cool shops together with Anji as an advisor and you will learn a lot about the traditional Japanese garment.
Even if you are a professional in wearing kimono, you may will find special items and get some insider tips about the best shops in Tokyo. As far as I am concerned, I intended to buy some modern kimono items, so the tour was specially geared to my request and my budget.

Besides the choice of shops, Anji is a pleasant and open-minded person standing by your side as your advisor. Not only that she supported me to find fitting kimono items, she even explained a lot about the kimono culture in Japan. Especially for me as a beginner in wearing kimono, the tour helped me to improve my knowledge about kimono. I can strongly recommend the kimono shopping tour and I am looking forward to wear my freshly purchased kimono outfits. I bought a lot of cool Items within my budget, I explored interesting shops and all in all I had a great day. It will be an unforgettable memory of my journey in Japan.