「夏の思い出 2018」Summer throwback - Bon dance, Awa odori and Yukata


The trees start changing their colours. A fresh breeze makes you want to wrap yourself in a cosy jacket.
It’s officially sweater weather. Autumn has arrived.


Since I have a backlog of pictures from this Summer I’d love to share them here as my:

Summer throwback!
Bon dance, fireworks, Awa-odori and a lot of sweating in yukata.

You probably know already that Japan has a lot of summer festivities to offer.
And this year I swore to myself to not miss the fun Bon Odori (Bon dance) I learned about way too late. (Read also: 「築地の盆踊り」Bon Odori in Tsukiji)

今年の夏の写真が色々とありますので、「夏の思い出(おもひで) 2018」として、紹介したいと思います!

So let’s jump right into it:
The first time wearing Yukata this year was probably for the Tanabata festival in Asakusa.
It is a colorful festival in the beginning of July where you can make a wish to the stars.

Summer memories
Can you spot the “Sky Tree”?

My face looks like a pumpkin here but oh well (*^-^*) カボチャのような顔になっとりますが、ご容赦ください。

Summer memories

Summer memories

Summer memories
Takoyaki (octopus balls)

It was quite crowded so I did not take many pictures, but I love this chuusen (注染) dye yukata with rainbow phoenix on it. Very rare design.

For a random summer day / running errands in the city I picked this white yukata from Hirocoledge and wore it with my backpack (who else gets headaches from stiff shoulders when using heavy handbags?). Super comfy choice! Tie a flat obi tie and try it!


Summer memories

Summer memories


In July and August you can find Bon dances all across Japan where you dance while moving circular around the middle stage. Usually some dancers are performing the moves on stage so you just need to copy the movements of everyone. Also they tend to repeat all the time, so don’t be shy! Its all about having fun!


Firstly I went to the large Ebisu Bon Odori.
Picked out my self made yukata (read about it here: 「浴衣の型紙」How to: Yukata Pt.1 / Traditional stencil cutting ) and did Nihongami for the first time since changing my hair color to yellow.
I met some friends and we had so much fun – but oh the crowds!


Summer memories

Summer memories
My go-to kimono tie this summer: Rōnin musubi (浪人結び)

Summer memories

Summer memories

Summer memories

Summer memories

Summer memories

Summer memories

Bon Odori No.2 this year was in the end of August in the Roppongi Hills Arena.
When we started there weren’t many people dancing yet, however later in the day it got packed.

Summer memories

My outfit this time, another design yukata of mine. The half-and-half Watermelon yukata.
I wasn’t going to show off, just barely own perfectly fitting yukata so needed one that doesn’t expose me while moving around, haha!

Summer memories

Gathered some friends to join the dance and it was fantastic!
Summer memories

Summer memories

Summer memories


Since Japan always has these amazing flower fields everywhere I could not resist to snap some pictures in the sunflowers (with my sunflower hair!)
And what could possibly look better with all the yellow if not a sky blue antique summer kimono with clouds?
I am so in love with this special piece – I actually had it altered since it was very small.


Another fun fact: It was crazily windy on this day so my hair and kimono would blow around but you don’t see that in the pictures. And I rode a bicycle in kimono to get to this field!

Summer memories

Summer memories

Summer memories

Summer memories


Highly popular these years is the Awa Odori dance parade originating in Tokushima.
Neither less to say that also I am drawn to rhythmic taiko drums and cute ladies and gents dancing the streets up and down.


What I love about Awa Odori is the whole vibe and fun. It is so cheerful that you want to jump right into it and dance with them.

First stop in Nakano, Tokyo:

Summer memories

Summer memories

Summer memories

Summer memories

Summer memories

Summer memories
Got the chance to pose with some dancers!

Later in September I was invited to another casual one near Shinjuku (Tokyo) where we first had food and drinks and later joined the dancing train of people. (There was a slot for everyone to join.)

To match the occasion I wrapped myself in this fantastic dance kimono. Just loooove the silly face of “hyottoko” – a traditional mask often used in theatre plays.

Summer memories

Summer memories
How often can you see a dance from above? ^-^


Summer memoriesSummer memories

Summer memories

Summer memories
The best kimono crowd!!

– OH AND.. –

.. some small other events were e.g. a yukata girls party in Shinjuku.
(I am definitely too old for all-nighters)

他のイベントは・・ 新宿にて浴衣ガールズパーティー

Summer memories
Only have a selfie from this night..

Summer memories
YY Japan performing.

Summer memories
Kasumi Psycho DJing

A visit to an Edo Museum and spontaneous fireworks with my friend Sato-chan was a great highlight!


Summer memories
Where is my time machine?? (You are allowed to touch and interact in this museum.)

Summer memories

Summer memories
Yukata by Modoribashi / 浴衣:戻橋

Summer memories
Waiting for fireworks with @sato_kimono

Since I love to post my outfits on social media, I am also including my “Running errands in the city” and the Shiseido “Be an artist” makeup launch party summer kimono outfits.


Summer memories
Antique summer kimono + cotton skull obi by Modoribashi / Fuji earrings by “Shade of a bonsai”

Summer memories

Summer memories
(アイライナーでファイトしないでよ 笑)すいませんw

Summer memories
I usually import my makeup from the US but I tested the new Shiseido lipsticks and I am hooked! (not an ad ^-^) 今まで海外のメイクを中心で使っていたけど、SHISEIDOの新しいリップにめちゃハマりました!本当!

Thank you so much for reading all the way to here.
I promise I’ll try to keep it shorter next time.


Oh but here a small bonus picture of me in “western” clothing with my dear friend 着物でない写真もおまけでのっけておきますね!と Etsuyo.
Summer memories

What did you do this summer? Tell me in the comments.

Love xxx Anji

