「鎌倉 - 穴場 - 日帰り旅行」Kamakura - off the beaten track


Thinking to visit Japan in the summer time? We introduce you some nice beach and tourist spots not so far from Tokyo.

Last Summer I visited Kamakura again after many years. Since I already saw the main tourist attractions various times (big Buddha statue, large Shrine..) this time, seeing uncrowded and not as familiar locations was my goal.




For those of you who aren’t familiar, Kamakura used to be the capital of Japan in 1192 “the Kamakura period”. The city is located along the coast close to Yokohama and perfect for a day trip from Tokyo.



「鎌倉 – 穴場(ま、日本人にとっては当たり前?笑)日帰り旅行」Kamakura – Off the beaten track

When I visited, we started getting out on the West side of the station (the unpopular side tourists outside of Japan probably don’t seek out) and walked 15-20 mins to the hidden “Zeniarai Benzaiten Shrine” (銭洗弁財天宇賀福神社).

This shrine exists since the 11th century and is a “money washing shrine” which is said to increase your wealth. It is located in a cave after passing through a hand carved tunnel.

Place your cash in a basket and pour some water over it. Supposedly you should only wash coins, but I wanted to make my visit worthwhile so I whipped out a big bill.

Also got myself a lucky charm “omamori (お守り)” to keep in my wallet. It looks like the money from centuries ago.

A very lovely power spot I recommend seeing if you are into shrines and nature.

(Afterwards I was told if you as a couple, the money laundry does not work… Ohhhh well, I guess I won’t get rich then, haha. It was a fun visit anyways though.)



ここでお金を洗うと、お金が増えるといわれる、有難い神社です。財布にいれるお守り(昔のお金の形)もゲットしました。ただ後から聞いたのは、夫婦で訪れると、神様が嫉妬して、効果がないとのこと 涙。



Since we got there without eating in the morning, our tummies were rumbling close to lunch time. After walking back we discovered this popular curry shop not far from the train station, which already had a line before the restaurant opened its doors.
The mix special of two curry dishes was not only lovely to look at, it tasted truly amazing!










Name: OXYMORON onari
Address: 〒248-0012 Kanagawa Prefecture, Kamakura, Onarimachi, 14−1 御成ビル
Web: https://www.oxymoron.jp (They have several locations)

With full tummies we proceeded our day with a trip to the beach. (If its Winter you can obviously skip this.) Naturally we took the cute retro tram which is connecting all the scenic spots between Kamakura and Enoshima.
If you want to see many things I recommend the day pass. You pay once and ride unlimited.




The Yuigahama (由比ヶ浜) beach is a popular destination for swimmers and surfers in the summer months and just a few minutes by foot from the Yuigahama tram station.

If you are into anime you may know the basketball series called Slam Dunk by Takehiko Inoue also known for Vagabond? In the opening theme, you see this young dude standing in front a scenic train crossing right in front of the ocean. Well – I did not know about it but my husband did and so we went, I was pushed to stand there for a picture, haha! Actually this place was quite crowded with tourists, trying to get a snap like this.
To see this or the beautiful ocean right from the station platform get off at Kamakura-Koukou-Mae (鎌倉高校前).

鎌倉に行ったら、アニメの聖地へ。江ノ電鎌倉高校前でおりて道なりに進んだ踏み切りはなんとスラムダンクのオープニングのあのシーンで登場した場所です。じつはあまり知らなかったのですが、主人に連れて行かれて知りました。踏み切りや高校のある、ある意味普通の場所ですが、スラムダンクのおかげで(?)ものすごい人でした。桜木君が立ったあの場所に私もたってみた(というか立たされた 笑)

Not far from this location is another beach, which has an super yummy and cosy restaurant / cafe called Double Doors. (We actually went there for dinner, but since we are in the beach area let’s just include it now.)
Amazing taste and loved the industrial-hipster interior!


Cafe: Double Doors Shichirihama (ダブルドアーズ 七里ヶ浜店)
Address: 2 Chome-2-2 Shichirigahamahigashi, Kamakura, Kanagawa
Web: http://doubledoors.jp

For some decent ice cream we went to the Kamakura Gelato Hase shop. Super yummy!!



Whilst looking out of the train window, this other lovely spot appeared, which has a torii gate right in front of the train tracks. Such a lovely photo spot (but hard to get the timing right with the tram passing by).

I’m just going to pinpoint it on the map in case you’d wanna go.


Next, we were going back to Kamakura station to take a bus on a 10-15 min ride to the opposite direction. This lovely bamboo forest which came up in my research, really looked magical, so I had to go.

The forest is actually hidden behind the Hōkoku-ji temple, which easily accessible from the bus stop. Entrance is only 200 JPY and if you wait a little to let the people spread through the area, you can enjoy the view almost for yourself. In the back, a tea house with an open side is serving green tea (500 JPY incl. sweets), so you can take a moment and calm your thoughts.

It isn’t a huge forest/garden but definitely worth a visit if you can’t make it to Kyoto’s Arashiyama.



Bus line & stop Keihin Kyuko Bus To Kamakura Reisn Shomenmae Tachiarai Kanazawa Hakkei, 浄明寺Jomyoji stop

On the way back you could get off the bus close to the famous Tsurugaoka Hachimangu shrine and its connected main shopping street to eat or shop some souvenirs before heading back to Tokyo.


While swiping around on Google maps, I noticed the graveyard of Minamoto Yoritomo, the founder and the first shogun of the Kamakura shogunate of Japan who was in the video game too with Benkei and Yoshitsune and got very curious.
Since it was on the way back from the bamboo forest we jumped off the bus to walk up to the grave on the hillside.
Unfortunately there is only a small monument left to see, after the large mausoleum was destroyed in the past, but still..
It’s not for everyone, but if you are into history and all, I’ll just add it here.


亡くなった当時は豪華だったと思いますが、時代が変わり、廃れてしまったのでしょう。「驕れる者久しからず ただ春の夜の夢の如し」です。

お墓のある山の中に、かわいいリスがいましたが、後から地元の友達いわく「害獣」だそうです 汗。捕獲すれば賞金がもらえるらしいですよ。高い木の上で、うごきも素早く、トーシローにはとてもムリ!

Bus stop: Wakaremichi stop 岐れ道下車

This concludes my “Kamakura – off the beaten track” personal guide.
Hopefully you enjoyed the read and will come and see some of the spots some day.

あなたの夏のプランはどうですか? あなたの鎌倉のお勧めの場所はどこですか? 鎌倉にかかわらず、どんどん教えてくださいね!




