「普段着物」Fudangi Kimono in New York


In October I travelled to New York to take part in an exhibition as well as hosted some kimono workshops and photo shoots while in the city.


Fudangi kimono in NYC

Fudangi kimono in NYC

Fudangi kimono in NYC

Fudangi kimono in NYC

Almost a year ago I was asked if I’d like to contribute and style two kimono outfits for a small exhibition curated by Spree Kingyo (from Kingyo Kitsuke) in Germany and Yuki Hamada (from Kimono Modern) in Japan.
I was super excited about this opportunity.

The event was held at the Globus Washitsu (Traditional Japanese room by venture capitalist and Japan Enthusiast Stephen Globus) in Manhattan.
“Fudangi” means every day kimono in Japanese and the exhibition had contributors from all across the globe who styled some fun kimono outfits they would wear for every day activities.

一年ほど前に、「展示会のために着物コーディネートをスタイリングしてみない?」とSpree Kingyoさんに声を掛けれれ、ドキドキしました。企画者はドイツのKingyoさん(Kingyo Kitsuke)と日本のHamadaさん(着物モダン)でした。お二人とも着物の第一人者さんたちで、わたしが尊敬する方々です。

Fudangi kimono in NYC

On the first day of the exhibition I wore my lace kimono paired with a Rumi Rock obi.

Fudangi kimono in NYC

Fudangi kimono in NYC

Some of my favorite stylings were kimono as an office wear or for skateboarding or traveling.
I thought it was really interesting to see the difference of styling depending on the background / ethnicity. Almost all Japanese contributors stuck to all the ordinary kimono rules and presented rather toned down stylings for eg. a walk in the park etc.
On the other side the non-Japanese stylists came up with a bit more open minded and wilder combinations and occasions where to wear kimono in daily life. I am sure you can see some difference in the following pictures from the exhibit.

Globus Washitsu is actually a two story space on the top of the building, so the lower floor featured creations by non-Japanese and upstairs were the styles contributed by Japanese artists.


Fudangi kimono in NYC

Fudangi kimono in NYC
Curator Spree Kingyo with her travel & office coordinations, she actually wore the left one the airplane when flying to New York!

Fudangi kimono in NYC
With Yoko Sawa & Spree Kingyo – our outfits all were red and black based haha

Fudangi kimono in NYC
Party outfit by Sheila Cliffe

Fudangi kimono in NYC
Love this office coordinate by Yield for Kimono! Its so chic!

Fudangi kimono in NYC
Would you dare to skateboard in Kimono? I’d love to! By Yield for Kimono

And my two outfits:
Fudangi kimono in NYC



Fudangi kimono in NYC

Fudangi kimono in NYC

Fudangi kimono in NYC
Night out coordinate by Sala Okabe

Fudangi kimono in NYC
Walk in the park outfits by Mamechiyo

Fudangi kimono in NYC
Kotaro Nakano & Yuki Hamada’s coordinates

Visitors flew in to New York from all across the USA and overseas to see the exhibition and catch up with fellow kimono enthusiasts. So the reception party on the weekend was a great time to mingle and chat with everyone and enjoy some nice Japanese treats organized by Stephen.

The rooftop offered an amazing view and the Japanese sake and fusion “Shake Shake Ramen” noodles were quite yummy. A private and very modern shamisen concert was the cherry on top of this very nice night.


Fudangi kimono in NYC
Chose my antique komon which I widened in width recently, paired with a Rumi Rock obi

Fudangi kimono in NYC

So happy to finally meet people from the online kimono community ‘Immortal Geisha’ in person!

Fudangi kimono in NYC

Fudangi kimono in NYC

Fudangi kimono in NYC
Stephen Globus with curators Yuki Hamada & Spree Kingyo

Fudangi kimono in NYC
Fudangi queen Yield for Kimono (Haha forgive the caption)

Fudangi kimono in NYC

Fudangi kimono in NYC

On the next day we had yet another kimono gathering – the worldwide kimono meet up group “Kimono de Jack” was held at the exhibition and we went out for dinner afterwards.


Fudangi kimono in NYC
Spree explaining the details and thoughts behind the kimono outfits.

Fudangi kimono in NYC

Fudangi kimono in NYC

Fudangi kimono in NYC
Jun Suenaga was so kind to snap a picture of me with my kimono outfits

Fudangi kimono in NYC

Fudangi kimono in NYC
New York nights with Yoko Sawa ©️Jun Suenaga

Fudangi kimono in NYC
The biggest bowl of udon I have ever seen in my life haha – So lovely to meet you all!!

Thank you again for having me, Spree, Yuki and Stephen!
It was a pleasure and great honor.

Details about Globus Washitsu and the curators here:
– Globus Washitsu New York: https://www.nycwashitsu.com
– Spree Kingyo: https://www.facebook.com/KingyoBerlin/
– Yuki Hamada: https://www.facebook.com/kimonomodern/

In my next blog entry I will write about the kimono & nihongami workshops in New York.

Thanks for reading,

