• 「普段着物」Fudangi Kimono in New York

    「普段着物」Fudangi Kimono in New York
    In October I travelled to New York to take part in an exhibition as well as hosted some kimono workshops and photo shoots while in the city. 2017年10月は展示会の参加、そして着物ワークショップや撮影のためにニューヨークへ行ってきました。自由の女神、タイムズスクエアー、エンパイアステートビルなどなどアメリカの象徴があふれる大都市です! Almost a year ago I was asked if I’d like to contribute and style two kimono outfits for a small exhibition curated by Spree Kingyo (from Kingyo Kitsuke) in Germany and Yuki Hamada (from Kimono Modern)...
  • 「黒留ナイト@東京キモノショー」Kurotome night @ Tokyo Kimono Show

    「黒留ナイト@東京キモノショー」Kurotome night @ Tokyo Kimono Show
    On the 30th of April I joined the fun “Kurotome Night” at the week long Tokyo Kimono Show at COREDO near Nihonbashi. For that event about a 100 people joined in the dress-code “kurotomesode” (黒留袖)which is a formal black kimono with a colourful artwork only in the bottom third of the kimono. This kimono usually will be worn by the mothers of a couple...
  • 「黒船祭」Black Ship Festival 2016

    「黒船祭」Black Ship Festival 2016
    Every year in May, a festival to celebrate the opening of Japan for trade in 1854 by American Matthew Perry is being held in Shimoda, Izu. 毎年5月が下田市(伊豆)の黒船祭です。 The foreign big ships with black colour and charcoal steam-powered were called “black ships” by Japanese. Those black ships landed in Yokosuka and also Shimoda and the first trade agreement between Japan and the US was signed...