「牛島の藤花園」Wisteria & Kimono


Some weeks ago I went to my favourite spot for Wisteria flowers around Tokyo.

When in Germany I didn’t care much for flowers and I wasn’t even aware of a weeping flower called Wisteria (藤の花 – fuji no hana in Japanese). In Japan however people seem to embrace nature and the seasons more so I got interested too.

この間、藤の花を見に行ってきました。 ドイツに住んでた時はあまりお花に興味はなくて、藤と言う花はある事は知りませんでした。 日本人は自然やお花大好きみたいなので、私も少し興味を持ち始めた。

Some years ago I discovered this small garden of Wisteria trees in Saitama Prefecture, North of Tokyo. The beauty of the flowers in full bloom had me speechless and I needed to come back this year again.

The Wisteria trees in this garden are very old, some 500 years and some 1200 years!! It is so magical!


500年と1200年前の木もありますので、マジッカルな場所に感じます。 SALZ Tokyo Kimono

SALZ Tokyo Kimono
Of course I needed to go in Kimono. The last chance to wear my new striped awase (lined) kimono before it gets too hot. And isn’t there a better location for pictures than in front of gorgeous flowers?


SALZ Tokyo Kimono

SALZ Tokyo Kimono
The weather was great, the flowers not even in full bloom but still stunning. SALZ Tokyo Kimono

SALZ Tokyo Kimono
I paired a modern striped kimono with an antique Nagoya obi with eagles. The bag is vintage and the geta are from a brand called “Furifu“.


SALZ Tokyo Kimono

In love with lace tabi socks. They are also nice and airy but your feet are still not naked.

レース足袋にずっとハマってます!涼しいけど、裸足ではない。素晴らしい! SALZ Tokyo Kimono

If you are in Tokyo for the next Wisteria season I’ll included the info and directions as following:

Address: Saitama, Kasukabe City, Ushijima 786

Access: 10 Minutes walk from “Fuji no Ushijima Station”「藤の牛島駅」

Opening times: Mid April to Beginning or Mid May every year. 08:00 to 18:00 hrs (Please check homepage for details)

Admission fee: 1000 JPY for adults




〒344-0004 埼玉県春日部市牛島786

☆東武野田線「藤の牛島駅」より 徒歩10分

☆東北自動車道岩槻ICより 約15km(約10分)

☆常磐自動車道柏ICより  約20km(約30分)

☆開園期間 4月20日(水)~5月8日(日)まで

☆開園時間 8:00~18:00

☆入園保存料大人 1,000円 / 子供 500円(4歳以上小学生まで)



もっと詳しくは KIMONO BIJINのサイトに書きましたよ。 是非みてみて〜 https://www.kimonobijin.jp/contents/detail.asp?c=4&id=47

Until next time, Anji

SALZ Tokyo Kimono

