「ロンドンで着物」London Kimono ventures


What a rollercoaster of emotions we are currently trapped in, with all the COVID-19 drama, am I right? Since my return I have been basically locking myself into the apartment. Witnessing Japan’s “We won’t get a Corona outbreak!” to the unravelling of events “Cases are spreading, please stay home!”. Sadly most countries had the same mindset of not taking it serious until it was too late, so here things are starting to get bad day by day whilst Europe is slowly starting to recover. Hopefully we can return to a normal life soon.


コロナ禍で プレステほしいと 思う日々


But of course this is a good time to also remember good times and travel virtually, so let me share a bit more about my visit to London in February/March.
As you probably read already in my previous post, the main reason for my visit was the V&A Kimono exhibition.

Apart from that I thought it would be a great time to have a photo shoot as well, meet some friends and have a little kimono workshop in London.

My trip was super last minute, and so was the organization but I was so thrilled that so many came to learn a little more about kimono.

こんな時だからこそ、楽しかった時間を思い出して、空想の中でも、旅してみたいんです。今年の2月、3月のロンドンについてレポートしまっす! 前回の記事で、ロンドン旅行の最大の理由については書いたのですが、それ以外にもたくさん面白いことがあったんです。


London Kimono Workshop 着物ワークショップ in ロンドン

After a little chat about the motivations of everyone to try out kimono I shared a little about my journey and then we dove right into the basics of kimono types.
Formalities of kimono and obi as well as what is necessary for wearing.




Some people brought their own kimono items to wear but I also prepared several outfits to use. (With the help of my friend Tia Oguri (Uber Dandy Kimono) who was so kind to lend me a few more items as I couldn’t bring everything from Japan!)

Next we got into kimono dressing from the core and I cannot stress enough how important a well fitting juban (under-kimono) is, as it sets the base for the kimono!
One point of the class is also to wear kimono which are too small, however it is not that easy when starting off – but we made it work.

何人かの方は自分でお着物を持っていらっしゃいましたが、こちらでも沢山の着物をこちらも準備しました。これだけの着物を日本から持ってくるのはかなり大変なので、イギリスのお友達Tia Oguri (Uber Dandy Kimono)さんにご協力いただいちゃいました。本当に有難う!



Thank you for everyone joining my little workshop! I wished we had more time for pictures, but hopefully next time! 

If your city or organization would like to offer a Kimono Work shop, or if you have a particular theme you want me to cover, please contact us via the mail form!



Kimono Magic Society キモノ・マジック・ソサイエティ

In addition to the exhibition at the V&A Museum, some modern kimono brands teamed up to give a one-to-one experience of kimono wearing and chance to shop directly from designers in London at SWAY Gallery. 



The event titled as “Kimono Magic Society” was held by kimono brands/designers Rumi Rock, Modern Antenna, iroca and Tamao Shigemune. (..of which you can find some items in my shop too)

このギャラリーでのイベントは、キモノ・マジック・ソサイエティ(日本語だと着物魔術協会?)と命名され、皆さんもご存知のRumi Rock, Modern Antenna, irocaTamao Shigemuneといった新鋭のキモノブランドさんたちによって企画されました。いくつかのブランドのキモノはSALZのオンラインSHOPで売ってます。

 With all the designers – from left 先進のキモノデザイナーさんたち(左から): Rumi Shibasaki, Narutoshi Ishikawa, Tamao Shigemune, myself, Yoshihide Hirayama and Asako Yamamoto.

Visitors could see their newest designs up close, try on these design kimono as well as enjoy a fashion show and other event contents. Very lovely and surreal to see everyone on the other side of the globe! What a time to be alive!

Little pizza party to celebrate Tia’s birthday! Tiaの誕生日をピザでお祝い

Anarchy in the UK – Kimono photo shoot アナーキ in ザ UK – 着物撮影

As you already expected I saved the picture flood for the end of this post:
It was quite a bumpy road to organize a last minute photo shoot in London but I found a wonderful team to bring my UK punk kimono desires to life!!


Recently I made a few hakama and kimono from plaid wool fabric for my shop – and when thinking of the United Kingdom there possibly is nothing more matching than plaid/tartan clothing. Once my trip was set I had a strong desire to have a punk inspired kimono shoot in London. I was literally so excited!!


Little behind the scenes. まじめに準備!

Naturally the weather had been at its worst. It was a mix of on-off rain and cold strong wind. However my models and photographer have been so enduring and fun that it did not bother us at all.
Jacket and shawl on and off, trying to shoot in-between the rain showers, changing shoes and location.. It can be done haha!

もちろん当日はロンドンらしい天気。雨!風! 飛ばされるくらいの台風かと思う位の大風で、気温もあいまって寒かったんですが、靴やジャケットの交換、場所場所の移動、撮影チームのみんなは頑張ってくれました。

雨と風 そんなロンドンが好き

Also to give this shoot an additional punk retro flair, all was shot on film!
How many film rolls did we fill! It must have been about 6 or 8? 



Thank you Libby, Choom and Céline for making my dream a reality.
It was a blast!

Libby、Choom、Céline 夢を実現してくれてありがとう。とても楽しかったよ!!また、やりましょうね!



Photography / 写真:
Elderflower Ephemera
Model / モデル:
Choom & Céline
Plaid Kimono & Hakama / タータン着物&袴:
SALZ Tokyo
Jersey kimono / ジャージ着物:
Jotaro Saito
Union Jack Obi / ユニオンジャック帯:
Modern Antenna x SALZ Tokyo
Knuckle duster Haneri / メリケンサック半襟:
Sato Kimono

Hopefully you are still enjoying kimono at home or will be able to venture out dressed up again! Stay healthy!


xoxo Anji

