「京都丹後着物 - 着物づくりの町探訪」Tango Kimono - A visit to the town of kimono craftsmanship
A little while ago I was invited by kimono researcher and friend Sheila Cliffe to join her on a short trip to Amanohashidate (天橋立) for some kimono fun.
さて、少し前になりますが、師匠でもあり友人でもある着物専門家 シーラ・クリフ先生(シーラさんと呼びます)からのお誘いで、丹後地域、そして、その地域を代表する観光地 日本三景・天橋立(宮津市)や与謝野町を訪問する機会をいただきました。
The town is part of the Tango (丹後) region – famous for its kimono makers and craftsmanship.
If you hear about the famous Kyoto “Nishijin-ori” weave (西陣織り) or “Chirimen” (縮緬) crepe fabric as well as many other dye and weave techniques, they might have been made in the region.

Beautifully located right at the Japan sea, it can be reached by an approx. 2 hours train ride Northbound from Kyoto. Once per year, a big kimono festival draws kimono wearers from across the country to join festivities in Amanohashidate.

After a ride in the “Tango no umi” train we arrived a day earlier to join a cruise and dinner party as well wear silk kimono made in the area.

Tango Kimono Experience
After checking into our accommodation we were invited to pick our favorite kimono ensemble from available choices and then got dressed by professionals. Since I usually dress kimono myself I almost never had the pleasure to have it done – gotta admit it feels super great to just stand there and get wrapped in exquisite silks.
お宿についた後、自分の好きな着物をえらんで、着付けのプロの方に着付けてもらいます。なんということでしょう 笑。いつもは自分で着ているのですが、着付けてもらうのは、本当に気持ちいいです!

I picked a slightly more edgy kimono outfit – the piano obi definitely was love at first sight!

The first stop of our kimono ventures was a kimono cruise with a guide explaining and showing the sights of Amanohashidate. It was fun to mingle on the boats rooftop with all these well dressed people. Afterwards we all gathered for a buffet style dinner with delicious local produce. It was sooo good!!
Sheila was invited to the stage to talk about her visions and thoughts on kimono. In the same venue, different silk fabrics were displayed from local craftsmen. All dyed or woven in different ways. Such a treasure to see from up close.

Kimono fabric bolts Heavenly buffet with local vegetables

Tango Kimono Matsuri
In the next morning we got ready to head out to the Tango Kimono Festival after breakfast. Apart from various stage shows and small booths across the area, a stamp rally with prizes invited to explore. I was told that some expensive kimono are in the pot to be won! If that is not something then I don’t know what is, haha!

This time Sheila, Nichole, Katrina and I had some free time to explore the area.
A cute curved bridge which can be rotated to let boats and ships pass had me all excited! (I know I know – kimono are the focal point…. but a traditional looking bridge that rotates??! この橋は、船を通すために、回転するんです。この橋の形、大好きです。

A very scenic place for a stroll along the coastline, well preserved buildings and kimono culture.

Make sure to not forget to try local treats like bean paste mochi sweets & craft shops?
I also bought some locally made obiage at a kimono fair! So excited to wear them soon!
旅といえば、グルメです (食いしん坊)。 智恩寺門前に並ぶ有名店では、「知恵の餅(あんこのついたお餅)」が食べられます。もちフリークの私は外したくないグルメです。なんと、1300年ころに起源を発する食べ物で、食べると所謂、文殊の知恵が授かると聞きました。わたしも、すこし頭が良くなったかな? きな粉のは、「重太郎餅」というそうです。こちらも、マイウー。

Tango Kimono Queen Look who’s shopping!

Unfortunately we had to catch the train already at 3pm in the afternoon to get back to Tokyo, but before we made sure to hand out our stamp rally papers and drew from the lottery. No kimono for any of us unfortunately, but a soy sauce set instead, haha.

I hope to come back to the Tango region to spend a little more time next time. If you want a change of scenery and visit some more local and traditional places, look up Amanohashidate for your next travel plan.

Sheila wrote about her experience in Tango in the new issue of kimono magazine Nanaoh – feel free to check it out.
P.S. Thank you, Sheila for the invite and other relevant parties which arranged the whole tour!