「8日目」Day 8


Last night I didn’t sleep well as it was super cold and I was freezing.
After Japanese breakfast we left 08:10 am into a cold but sunny countryside.

Icing and an anti-inflammatory sheet over night didn’t help my foot tendons much – after a few kilometres I felt the pain again. So also today we walked slowly with a lot of breaks and after the first two hours I was basically in a great condition with almost no problems.

夜は寒くてプルプルしてよく寝れなかった(泣) 伝統的な朝ごはんの後は8時ころやや寒い村へ出発。

We passed very beautiful tiny village while walking the smaller mountains via the streets until just before the entrance to the Wada-toge mountain. There we got picked by car and driven back to the hotel, tomorrow we were supposed to be dropped there again to start climbing the mountain 6-8 hours into the next city.

After we arrived and I took off my shoes and backpack I noticed that my Achilles’ tendon seems to rub or chafe. That means it got worse again and probably is an Achilles tendonitis? aka an inflammation of my Achilles and it seems also other tendons in my right foot.
(Just Internet-self-diagnosis though!)


The plan was to get over the mountain and take a day off in Shimo-Suwa but my foot being that bad I am scared of completely injuring myself if I conquer this mountain.
My husband suggested returning home but I don’t want to give up yet! I’m so upset I cried the past 2 hours… we didn’t even reach the beautiful parts of the trip!!

So tomorrow we will drive around the mountain by bus and trains and take a rest or see a doctor – then see if I can continue the journey or not.
My weak body really annoys me. (Although I have to admit I don’t do any sport usually and suddenly walking all day everyday must have strained my feet too much).



Walked distance:
24.6 km
Mochizuki to Before Wada-toge mountain.

24.6 km

Money spent:
Snacks: 1800¥ (Breakfast/dinner at hotels)
Minshuku: 11000¥
Pick up: 2400¥
= 15200¥

Today’s thoughts:
Good: Weather and the scenery made me so happy
Bad: This might be the end due to my stupid foot

Goodnight from an upset Anji

