「6日目」Day 6


After a nutritious Japanese breakfast we started off at 08:06 am.
During us eating, the hotel owners scared us with talks about these blood sucking worms which have high season now and how they get into the clothes and after your attacked how the blood would flow etc.


We got some vinegar spray from them as a repellant and some Tipps and then set off. After 3km we reached the entrance to the deep mountain and scared from the dramatic stories put on so much clothes, feet into plastic bags, taped our ankles and sleeves closed etc. before going in.
Needless to say we were sweating like in a sauna while climbing and the merciless steep cliffs/path. I thought I’m going to faint for a moment. Also we were told to “NOT STOP! By all means” because the blood suckers smell you and drop from the trees or climb up your shoes.

So I was a little in panic and thought i had to get through as fast as possible. Of course not possible with a extreme 14km hike. So we sat down at one spot and there was actually a teeny tiny one climbing my shoe but we killed it with our spray. Apart from that we didn’t see anything and other hikers we met had open pants and short sleeved shirts, so we felt a bit stupid. Probably we were just lucky though because rainy season didn’t start yet.

旅館の人に「絶対に止まらない。ヒルはすぐくる」とのアドバイスがありましたので、激しい急坂で服の中はサウナになったみたい。倒れそうになった時もあったw バカみたいだね。他にあった人は半袖とかでもいた。

It was partially steep and almost killed me but had a long straight hike as well so was a beautiful experience. The mountain is 960m high and after we got through we took a rest at a shrine around 12:30 to eat a bite and wring out our sweaty shirts and sweaters.

The way down wasn’t fun either but not as long and after a while we reached Karuizawa. After another quick rest and reserving a hotel in the next town Naka-Karuizawa we walked additional 5km approximately.


Now we had a small thunderstorm growling with rain but tomorrow should be fine again.

By the way today is our 6th wedding anniversary 😂❤️


Walked distance:
20.3 km
Yokokawa to Naka-Karuizawa

20.3 km

Money spent:
680¥ onigiri lunch
650¥ drinks
350¥ ice cream
Dinner: 1900¥
Hotel: 11000¥
= 14580¥

Today’s thoughts:
Good: Weather was perfect and we made the first mountain! So proud!
Bad: Too much protective clothing nearly killed us ^^


