• 「斉藤上太郎コレクション」JOTARO SAITO 2018 A/W

    「斉藤上太郎コレクション」JOTARO SAITO 2018 A/W
    On Wednesday I went to see the new collection of kimono designer JOTARO SAITO at the Tokyo Fashion Week. 水曜日(2018年3月21日)に、東京ファッションウィークにて、着物デザイナーのJOTARO SAITO(斉藤上太郎)さんの新作発表を訪問しました。 Although the cherry blossoms started blooming and we had 22°C a couple of days back, on the day of the collection we had snow and heavy rain at only 2°C!! What are the chances? Haha! So instead of a silk kimono I had...
  • 「フエルサブルータ」FUERZA BRUTA TOKYO

    「フエルサブルータ」FUERZA BRUTA TOKYO
    So there was this Japanesque show I had seen across my social media which looked pretty fun, yet I wasn’t sure if the ticket price was really worth it. I am talking about FUERZA BRUTA – an international show which actually changes its looks and concept based on its host country. 2 days after I checked the website and contemplated (it was almost creepy)...
  • 「戌年」Happy New Kimono Year!

    「戌年」Happy New Kimono Year!
    Happy New Year also on my blog! Thanks so much for reading in the past year and here is to hoping you are having an awesome 2018 – hopefully in kimono! My start in the year was rather unspectacular as I got pretty sick on new years eve and just spent it watching TV with my Japanese family (and killing a bottle of Sangria...
  • 「着物ワークショップ」Kimono workshops in NYC

    「着物ワークショップ」Kimono workshops in NYC
    During and after the Fudangi exhibition I wrote about in my last post, I also scheduled my first time ever kimono related workshops and some photo shoots. (Because how often do you have the chance to capture the NYC skyline with kimono?) ニューヨークにきてます! 前の記事で紹介したニューヨークにある「普段着物展示会」の前後にワークショップや着物の撮影もしてみました。 (着物姿をニューヨークで撮るならインパクトあるかなと思って・・笑) Prior to my trip I asked my followers on social media what kind of workshop they would like to...
  • 「きものサローネ2017」Kimono Salone

    「きものサローネ2017」Kimono Salone
    Like last year, I also joined the Kimono Salone event in Nihonbashi again. Because it was just before my New York trip I am super late to put everything into a proper blog post – but the pictures from the fashion show are too nice to keep them a secret. Kimono Salone is a kimono event where many kimono brands and artisans gather to...
  • 「趣通信にインタビューされた」Interview with Omomuki

    「趣通信にインタビューされた」Interview with Omomuki
    Recently I had a fun interview with Kevin from 趣通信 (Omomuki Tsuushin) (a popular kimono site) about what sparked my interest in kimono and what inspires me. It was a great open dialog and we laughed a lot. The interview is only available in Japanese, but if you are interested please have a look: https://ommki.com/news/archives/11582 この間は趣通信にお世話になりました。 「趣着物」とのハッシュタグでInstagramでも大人気の着物・和の紹介をされるケビンさんにインタビューされました。 着物を着るきっかけから私のインスピレーションなどについて、色々楽しく話しました。ワクワク〜 お互い着物に夢中で幸せな時間すごせた。お誘い本当にありがとうございました。 是非このインタビューを読んでみて♡  https://ommki.com/news/archives/11582 写真も様々よ。 最後に「ケビンポーズ」(笑)ケビンさんのオリジナルポーズでよくイベントでも盛り上がります。 PS: I...