• 「掲載された」WAttention Tokyo Magazine

    「掲載された」WAttention Tokyo Magazine
    Recently I had an interview with the free magazine WAttention Tokyo about my work and story. 先日、観光客向けのフリー雑誌「WAttention Tokyo」にインタビューされました。 The magazine is aimed at tourists and available across the globes airports and hotels. The Tokyo Magazine is Japan exclusive of course and if you want to pick one up yourself – the Vol.24 with my interview is still available until September 15th, 2017. (To be...
  • 「毎日ウィークリーの着物コラム」Mainichi Weekly Kimono column

    「毎日ウィークリーの着物コラム」Mainichi Weekly Kimono column
    In November I had an interview and photoshoot with the Mainichi Shinbun (one of the biggest newspaper in Japan) as some of you may remember. 11月は毎日新聞とインタビュー及び撮影しました。 That time I wasn’t allowed to speak about it really but now I can lay my cards open: There now is a SALZ Kimono column From this month on, I am writing a monthly column about kimono and...
  • 「デザイン草履」SALZ Tokyo Zouri

    「デザイン草履」SALZ Tokyo Zouri
    Last autumn I designed and had my own and first SALZ Tokyo zouri sandals made. After testing them several months I’m still super excited, so I wanted to properly show them here: 数ヶ月前、初めてのデザイン草履を作って頂いたぁ〜 SALZ Tokyoの初オリジナル草履だわ! 回数、履いた上で、ちゃんと紹介したいと思います: Even it sounds like what everybody would say who made their own item – they are genuinely the most comfy and favourite zouri I own now!! At first I...
  • 「FKI展 & ルミロック」Year end kimono fun

    「FKI展 & ルミロック」Year end kimono fun
    Time seems to fly faster and faster these weeks. It’s December and suddenly I feel overwhelmed with work – but that’s a great thing after having a little too silent past months. Colder weather and the years final month calls for kimono events and the popular “忘年会” Year-end parties! So I found myself running around between 4 appointments yesterday. One was the FKI展 –...
  • 「秋」Autumn feels

    「秋」Autumn feels
    Last week we had a sudden curtain of snowfall here in the Tokyo area and I was a little worried – as I didn’t have time yet to go out and appreciate the autumn foliage properly. 先週の雪で少しパニックになった。「まだ紅葉を楽しむ時間はなかったのに、もう冬??」と思ってました。 Thankfully 2 days later we had bombastic weather so I jumped back into my kimono to embrace the yellow and red coloured trees. On my check list...
  • 「着物で四日間」4 days of kimono

    「着物で四日間」4 days of kimono
    How are you doing? Hopefully not caught a cold? To be honest, I was down with some kinda flu or heavy cold 2 weeks ago. And that is also one of the reasons my blog was a bit silent. Took me some time to recover but I am almost good now. And once I was good I had to go out in kimono. Over...