「仕立て」How to Yukata Pt.3: Sewing


※Continued from my previous article / 前回の記事の続きです。

The final step after dyeing is to turn this 12 meter long fabric bolt into a wearable item. That of course means cutting and sewing it.

I am not giving an instruction of how to hand sew it in this post as it is way too complicated and lengthy (but maybe one day, who knows!).
Also if you like more insights, check out my previous post about Wasai – The art of kimono sewing.




Something I can say is that the design I made was super difficult to arrange pattern wise. We call it gara-awase(柄合わせ)matching of the design pattern. Before cutting the fabric bolt you will have to visualise in your head where which part of the fabric will go and slightly tweak it so that the design is balancing well. Two lions right next to each other for example does not look too great.

SALZ Tokyo Yukata

SALZ Tokyo Yukata

SALZ Tokyo Yukata

SALZ Tokyo Yukata

SALZ Tokyo Yukata

SALZ Tokyo Yukata

SALZ Tokyo Yukata

I did some part at my sewing class with my sensei (to get started and re-confirm the steps) and then the most sewing at home.
It is a very long process of sewing several hours and I mostly had sown on about 2-3 days per week?

It took me 1.5 months to finish this yukata. I really don’t know how professionals can sew a kimono in one day!

Also again I discovered a mistake I encountered at my last kimono when I was finished – the sleeves were too short 🙁
This time I checked after attaching one sleeve and the same problem occurred. After re-measuring my arm length and checking my notes we discovered that there was a calculation mistake.
So I had to re-sew some part of the side seam and sleeve.



Here is the finished result: 仕立て上り

SALZ Tokyo Yukata

SALZ Tokyo Yukata

SALZ Tokyo Yukata

Unfortunately the dye house was working a little bit sloppy and my fabric bolts has a lot of flaws (not perfectly connected design, glue residue, diagonal lines etc.) which caused the shock for the second time after getting the wrong colour item..
I think the stencil cutting organizer and maybe the dye house have not so much motivation to create their work so that it is perfect enough like you would get in a shop? Or maybe I just had bad luck? I am not sure but due to these circumstances plus broken agreements I had made with the organiser I can’t recommend this place unless you just want to have fun and don’t care about the results quality.

伊勢型紙のテラコヤの方、そして染め工房の方のモチベーションは足りなかったのか、たまたま運が悪かったのか分かりません 汗。

注:あまりネガティブなことを書くのは本望じゃないんです。わたしが神経質すぎるのかもしれませんし、(自分は素人なのに 笑)求めるレベルが高すぎたりということはあると思います。手染めは完璧ではないことが、味になる部分はもちろん分かります。ただ、今回頂いた反物の仕上がりは、その道の方々に見ていただいても、「ちょっと・・・汗」とビックリされてました。下手に取り繕って嘘は書きたくないなと思ったのです。テラコヤや関係者の皆さんへの感謝の気持ちは変わりません。もっと良くなってテラコヤがさらに伊勢型紙の文化の継承に結びつくことを願ってます!

SALZ Tokyo Yukata

Apart from this rollercoaster experience I managed to wear it twice before this summer was over and the fit is awesome!
(Don’t wonder about my hair. The green hair doesn’t really look nice with the teal colour of the yukata so I used a wig.)

思ったとおりにすべてがいくことはない。人生はそんなもんだ!(どんな総括なんだろ 笑)とも思いますので、最後に出来上がった、自分の手で作った浴衣で大変感動し、喜びましたよ。夏は終わる前、ギリギリ二回くらい着れました!(グリーンヘアーはティール色とあまりにも合わないのでウィッグにした。)

SALZ Tokyo Yukata

SALZ Tokyo Yukata

SALZ Tokyo Yukata

SALZ Tokyo Yukata

How do you like the final result?
Let me know in the comments.

Thanks so much for sharing this amazing experience with me!
I hope you will find this inspiring and I hope we can find a way to prevent these traditions from dying out.




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