• Rumi Rock - Isetan Pop Up

    Rumi Rock - Isetan Pop Up
    One of my favourite modern kimono brands Rumi Rock had a pop up store in the Shinjuku Isetan Shopping mall the past days. 好きなモダン着物ブランド「ルミ ロック」の伊勢丹新宿店ポップアップショップに行って参りました♪ They just released their new Yukata collection for 2016. I am not the biggest Yukata fan myself, but wanted to check out their items in general. (Unfortunately Isetan is a bit strict with a no photo policy so I...
  • 「着物美人」KIMONO BIJIN Official Writer

    「着物美人」KIMONO BIJIN Official Writer
    Today I have some awesome news I'd like to share with you! 素晴らしいニュースはあるよ〜♡ 着物美人「KIMONO BIJIN」のオフィシャルライターになりました。
  • Robe Japonica - Designer mens kimono

    Robe Japonica - Designer mens kimono
    A few months ago I stumbled over this new shop in Harajuku which drew my attention due to a kimono being displayed right at the entrance. I bumped my friend in the side and pulled her into said shop which turned out to be a next level mens kimono design boutique! Robe Japonica The first sight after entering were see through geta (Japanese sandals)...
  • Kimono Rainbow Challenge

    Kimono Rainbow Challenge
    In the past months I participated my first group challenge – the Kimono Rainbow Challenge. An international styling challenge Tia from Uber Dandy Kimono thought up and brought to live, contacting some kimono enthusiasts across the globe. ここ数ヶ月、国際的な着物チャレンジに参加してみました。「ザ・着物レインボーチャレンジ」 Uber Dandy Kimonoのティアさんは考えた着物スタイリングチャレンジです。世界中バラバラに住んでる着物好きの8名は参加した。 The rules are simple: Every week a kimono outfit needs to be styled in a main color set by Tia. The order was...
  • Oiran Parade in Tokyo 2016 / 花魁道中

    Oiran Parade in Tokyo 2016 / 花魁道中
    Last weekend I headed to Asakusa to see the Oiran Parade (花魁道中 oiran douchuu) which I was waiting for so long after missing the last one. An Oiran (花魁) was a courtesan (aka. prostitute) back in the days. Especially the highest ranked Oiran, called Tayuu (太夫) were not only offering physical love but actually were talented entertainers and artists. Tayuu were something like Superstars...
  • StyleShare Japan Interview

    StyleShare Japan Interview
    The other day I got interviewed by the fashion app “StyleShare” about life and what inspires me. StyleShare is a popular fashion style app from Korea, where you can upload your coordinates and beauty pictures and tag the brands you wear. この間、スタイルシェアにインタビューをされました ☆ スタイルシェアは韓国と日本の人気ファッションアップリです。毎日のファッションコーデやビューティー商品をシェアできますし、トレンドを見れて楽しいアップリです。 I use this app for a while now and it has many users across Japan and Asia. The interview was posted...