「黒船祭」Black Ship Festival 2016
Every year in May, a festival to celebrate the opening of Japan for trade in 1854 by American Matthew Perry is being held in Shimoda, Izu.
The foreign big ships with black colour and charcoal steam-powered were called “black ships” by Japanese. Those black ships landed in Yokosuka and also Shimoda and the first trade agreement between Japan and the US was signed and Shimoda used as a port for the US.
To celebrate the friendship between the two countries the “kurofune matsuri” Black Ship Festival is held – with American marine troups and Japanese locals remembering the past in Meiji style.
This year I was invited to contribute to the kimono fashion show and the oiran parade, so I did! A whole group of kimono enthusiasts gathered up and we left in the early morning on a Saturday by bus.
I live fairly far from the departure point so had to get up around 4:30 am to do my makeup and hair.
A 5 hour bus ride left the tall buildings of Tokyo behind us and let us see the blue ocean along the coastlines of Izu peninsula.
Unfortunately no time for beach time for us – as soon as we landed we had to get dressed in a crammed room! And putting on kimono with little time and space is not fun. Actually I was panicking if I could get ready in just 45 Minutes!! I somehow did and we started to cool down behind the stage, waiting for our turn.

Another excitement factor was that we had no rehearsal whatsoever so were a little nervous of how to walk on stage. リハーサルもなくてかなり緊張しました。

We stepped on the stage in groups of 4 – the ladies were guided by American gentlemen (or gentlewomen with fake beards) in old style uniforms. 着物の4人組がステージに上がりました。女性とペアで、昔のユニフォームを着てるアメリカ人がサポートしました。

The kimono fashion show worked out well, but I was hyper excited and probably had a tomato red face because – even I always look confident – I don’t like to stand in front of a crowd.
But I did it and afterwards we had two hours to walk through the city and partake the festivities a little.
着物ファッションショーは無事に終わりました。皆さん色々な素敵な着物コディネートを見せてくれました。私は本当に緊張しました〜 はぁ〜! ショーの後は市内のお祭で少しぶらぶらできました。
I love everyone! So many amazingly fun people! 皆さんはとても優しくて面白い!

I finished my Space Invader Kimono in time for the event. Loving Sheila’s car obi! スペースインベーダー着物はショーの三日前に完成しました。ギリギリでしたね。
Perry road in Shimoda. Used to be a red light district. A very scenic one though, ahah. ペリーロード。素敵なところですね。
After a too short time we gathered up to get to our accommodation. ホテルへ行く前の集合です。
Loving the contrast between tradition and modern age. 昔とモダンのコントラストは好きです。
The ‘ikemen brothers’. イケメン兄弟と言われてます。(本当の兄弟です!)
What a scenic view from our window. A great but busy day settling. 部屋からの景色で感動しました。やっぱり日本の自然は素晴らしいです!♡
Dinner time. 夜ご飯(ボリュームいっぱいで全部は食べれなかったですが)
The next morning I woke up after 5 hours of sleep. Time to get ready for the oiran parade! 5時間しか寝て、日曜日も早起きでした。花魁道中の準備開始。
Especially the makeup and dressing of the oiran and other core members took some time but we did it all in time and I started early enough to not get stressed. After all the luggage was ready we moved into the city to the starting point of the parade.
My outfit was a more traditional one for the parade. A wool komon and an obi featuring and embroidered ship. Also I had my first Nihongami (Japanese hairstyle) experience!
What do you think?
パレードの着物コーディネートは前日と変わって、伝統的な感じにしました。ウールの単衣と船の刺繍付き帯、そして日本髪デビュー!!! わくわく☆ 似合うかどうか心配でしたが、悪くないと思います。(笑)
With the squad. 花魁組☆
Also something really fun! I asked the Oiran if I can try on her special “shoes”, because when do you have a chance to try those?
It always looks rather easy when the Oiran walks in those, but actually its quite difficult. And they are so high!!
Saying hello to all the other groups of the parade. There were sailors, dancers, kimono ladies, musicians etc.
The parade is a course through the city center of Shimoda and people standing right and left of each street to cheer for the parade.
We were walking behind the Oiran and Furisode shinzou. 花魁道中のグループは我々でした。
After the parade we took a quick rest and participated in an Okinawan dance before saying goodbye. It was quite a hot day and one girl got a light heat stroke from walking in the sun with layers of silk wrapped around her.
Our lovely group! 黒船祭に参加ができて嬉しかったです。
We only had time for lunch and a jump before getting undressed and hopping back onto the bus to Tokyo. 帰る前に飛んだり、ランチしました。着替えてから早速バス乗って東京へ帰りました。
It was super busy and we barely had time to see anything in the city, but such a lovely experience and a fun team!
I really would like to do this again. A crazy kimono weekend in celebration of the Black Ships.
Hope you enjoyed the pictures.
☆ ☆ ☆