• 「ヒロコレッジ10周年」HIROCOLEDGE

    Last weekend I also headed to the HIROCOLEDGE 10 Years Anniversary. HIROCOLEDGE is the brand led and designed by Artist Hiroko Takahashi. Patterns consisting of circles and straight lines are her trademark and she likes to create minimalist works, supporting Japanese culture and lifestyle. While working on her PhD of arts, she founded Hirocoledge in 2006 – which now – 10 years later is...
  • 「きものサローネ・着物ショー」Kimono Salone Shows

    「きものサローネ・着物ショー」Kimono Salone Shows
    The weekend was full of kimono fun again – Kimono Salone was opening its doors for a second event this autumn. 先週末は「きものサローネ」へ行ってきました。先月と違って、展示会によりきものショーはメインでした。 Read about the previous event here 先月のきものサローネ・レポートはこちら: 「きものサローネ2016」Kimono Salone Finally it also is cold enough to wear some thicker kimono, so I could wear my Jotaro Saito Jersey kimono for the first time. (When I purchased it, it was hot summer.) Combined with...
  • 「ツイード着物 Sumire Ishioka」Tweed Kimono - a dream come true

    「ツイード着物 Sumire Ishioka」Tweed Kimono - a dream come true
    For a while I have been circulating fabric houses and dreaming of making kimono with “western” fabric – including velvet, lace, cotton and tweed. One lovely woman made my dreams come true: 以前から生地屋さんに回るとき、洋服でよく使われてるベルベット、レース、コットンやツイードで着物を作る夢があります。ツイードの着物はすでにデビューしたことが分かりませんでした! ツイード着物デザイナー: SUMIRE ISHIOKA This young but talented designer worked many years on searching and designing the perfect tweed for splendid kimonos. I visited her showroom in Daikanyama, Tokyo with a friend...
  • 「桜と黒装の宴」Black Kimono Event Tokyo

    「桜と黒装の宴」Black Kimono Event Tokyo
    Black kimono vs. bright cherry blossom! A fun kimono event in Tokyo. 明るい桜 VS 黒い着物姿!新宿御苑での楽しい着物イベントレポート。