• StyleShare Japan Interview

    StyleShare Japan Interview
    The other day I got interviewed by the fashion app “StyleShare” about life and what inspires me. StyleShare is a popular fashion style app from Korea, where you can upload your coordinates and beauty pictures and tag the brands you wear. この間、スタイルシェアにインタビューをされました ☆ スタイルシェアは韓国と日本の人気ファッションアップリです。毎日のファッションコーデやビューティー商品をシェアできますし、トレンドを見れて楽しいアップリです。 I use this app for a while now and it has many users across Japan and Asia. The interview was posted...
  • Coming of Age

    Coming of Age
    For the coming of age day I got up early, dressed myself in a modern crossover of wafuku meets streetwear and headed to the city to take some photos of all the lovely young people who celebrate becoming an adult by wearing furisode kimono with their friends. My outfit consisted of following: antique checkered meisen kimono self-made animal print obi vintage pearl belt tokone...