• 「築地の盆踊り」Bon Odori in Tsukiji

    「築地の盆踊り」Bon Odori in Tsukiji
    A week ago I went to a Bon Odori (Bon Dance) for the first time. Those traditional bon dance festivals are basically held in all bigger neighbourhoods, but I really wanted to see a big one, so I picked out the Tsukiji one in Tokyo. 始めて盆踊りに行ってきました。 日本へ引っ越してきてから5年以上経ちましたが、盆踊りに参加したことないです。ありえないでしょう? 盆踊りは何処にもあるはずですが、大きい祭りをみたいと思って築地の盆踊りを選んでみました。 I arrived a little before the scheduled start of the shows and dance but there were...
  • 「黒船祭」Black Ship Festival 2016

    「黒船祭」Black Ship Festival 2016
    Every year in May, a festival to celebrate the opening of Japan for trade in 1854 by American Matthew Perry is being held in Shimoda, Izu. 毎年5月が下田市(伊豆)の黒船祭です。 The foreign big ships with black colour and charcoal steam-powered were called “black ships” by Japanese. Those black ships landed in Yokosuka and also Shimoda and the first trade agreement between Japan and the US was signed...