• 「撮影」Accidental Icon - Style knows no limits

    「撮影」Accidental Icon - Style knows no limits
    When I discovered “Accidental Icon” Lyn Slater on Instagram I was instantly hooked! This sense of style, the coolness yet smart choice of words. On social media I’d describe her in one word: “GOALS!” Perhaps with a flexed muscle emoji behind. 「アクシデンタル・アイコン」リン・スレーター(Lyn Slater)さんをインスタで発見した瞬間、大好きになっちゃいました。 そのスタイル、そのかっこよさ、そして、その表現力。 彼女のことを一言で表現すれば、「目標」(がんばる筋肉ポーズの絵文字付で)。 We need more positive and powerful women who don’t care about society’s limitations when it comes to fashion. I...
  • 「着物撮影in渋谷」Shibuya Kimono Photoshoot

    「着物撮影in渋谷」Shibuya Kimono Photoshoot
    A while back I got an enquiry from a super talented photographer named Saq Imtiaz, who shoots a lot for VOGUE in Paris as well. He was briefly in Tokyo and we squeezed in a two-outfit Kimono shoot even he barely slept for a week. Before the shoot I was out hunting for locations but actually on the day, the photographers schedule was really...