• 「撮影」Accidental Icon - Style knows no limits

    「撮影」Accidental Icon - Style knows no limits
    When I discovered “Accidental Icon” Lyn Slater on Instagram I was instantly hooked! This sense of style, the coolness yet smart choice of words. On social media I’d describe her in one word: “GOALS!” Perhaps with a flexed muscle emoji behind. 「アクシデンタル・アイコン」リン・スレーター(Lyn Slater)さんをインスタで発見した瞬間、大好きになっちゃいました。 そのスタイル、そのかっこよさ、そして、その表現力。 彼女のことを一言で表現すれば、「目標」(がんばる筋肉ポーズの絵文字付で)。 We need more positive and powerful women who don’t care about society’s limitations when it comes to fashion. I...
  • 「彼岸花撮影」Kimono x Red Spider Lily

    「彼岸花撮影」Kimono x Red Spider Lily
    In September the red spider lily is blooming in Japan. Since I started setting up photo shoots I dreamt of creating beautiful visuals with this mystical flower. Here the Higanbana (彼岸花) is associated with farewell and death. Probably also due to the flowers having been planted close to cemeteries. They are poisonous so animals don’t get near them. Often seen near rice or vegetable...
  • 「着物撮影in渋谷」Shibuya Kimono Photoshoot

    「着物撮影in渋谷」Shibuya Kimono Photoshoot
    A while back I got an enquiry from a super talented photographer named Saq Imtiaz, who shoots a lot for VOGUE in Paris as well. He was briefly in Tokyo and we squeezed in a two-outfit Kimono shoot even he barely slept for a week. Before the shoot I was out hunting for locations but actually on the day, the photographers schedule was really...