• 「4日目」Day 4

    Nakasendo Day 4 Start: 08:45 Finally cloudy and not so hot (22℃) 中山道の4日目は涼しくて良かったー 昨日の首と手の日焼けはまだ痛かったw ちょっと疲れたので短く、写真なしにしますね。 Today I’ll keep it short and without pictures because nothing much happened and I’m a bit tired and want to rest. So this morning my legs and feet were still so sore and even walking only a few kilometres gave me some pain.. So we kept things slow with...
  • 「3日目」Day 3

    Today we got up more early and left at 8:45 in the morning. As I wrote yesterday I was so worried about the left huge blister and in the morning I still couldn’t step on it but we needed to keep moving so I taped it all up and cushioned it to keep the pressure off. At first I walked a bit on the...
  • 「二日目」Day 2

    Oh hello! We already finished Day 2 of our Nakasendo journey. Yesterday got real late as well so we didn’t start too early either. Here is my experience of Day 2! Start: 10:10 am Weather: 26℃ and sunny, later cloudy ハロー!二日目も終わりました。中仙道の今日の経験をシェアさせてね。 スタート10時、昼間は26℃で暑かった。 After eating the Chinese leftovers for breakfast we started at Omiya, Saitama. I was not feeling too bad. My muscles basically weren’t...
  • 「一日目」Day 1

    Because it got really late with some fun and work last night, we started a little later this morning. First by train to Nihonbashi in Tokyo – took a few pictures, stretched and started off. Here is the diary of Nakasendo Day 1 Start: 11:55 am Weather: Sunny with 26 ℃ high 昨日は遅くなりましたので、スタートはお昼になっちゃいました。 そして日本橋で11時55分に出発!天気は晴れ、26℃の最高気温。 We walked our first 7 km up to Sugamo and...
  • 「準備」Preparation

    Welcome to my new Blog section called “Nakasendo Diary”. As some of you know already, I decided that it’s about time to do what has been in my head for a few years now: Walk from Tokyo to Kyoto on foot ようこそ、新しいブログのセクションへ♡ 「中山道ダイアリー」で 東京から京都まで歩くことについて書きたいと思います。 ん?そうです。江戸時代みたいにタイムスリップして、うちの主人と中山道を一発に歩きたいで〜す。 最初に東海道歩こうと思ってたけど、やはり普通の大きな通りは多いみたい。日本をもっと深く味わいたいので、中山道でしたら自然や昔ながらの街もまだ残ってるので中山道に決めた。 Sounds totally crazy? It is, but this motivation comes from Japans history – as during Edo time it...