• 「最近について」Recent Media Coverage

    「最近について」Recent Media Coverage
    Can you believe its already September?? The past months sure have gone by like a whirlwind. Compared to the past years I suddenly got a bit of media coverage all at once, which I’d like to share here (also partly as a diary to my future self, haha). ご機嫌いかがですか?  いやー、もう9月なんですね。なんだか時がたつのが早くて参っちゃいます(年寄りです 笑)。夏ばてしてるんではないか、と思っていらっしゃる方々に(?)、近況についてご報告します。 The Japan Times Due to the “KimOhNo” incident I got interviewed for The Japan...
  • 「秋の着物コーデ」Favourite autumn kimono looks 2018

    「秋の着物コーデ」Favourite autumn kimono looks 2018
    Autumn seemed to have passed by in the blink of an eye. Feeling bad for having neglected my blog all too much (I update all my kimono looks primarily on my instagram, but realized it’s a shame to let my own page slide..) So let me make up for it and share my favourite outfits from the not-hot-yet-not-cold season: 2018年は秋は早くなかったですか?夏が長くて、ちょっと秋になったと思ったら、一気に冬になっちゃった感じ。インスタではご紹介した着物撮影をこのブログでも・・やっと掲載します!! 暑くも寒くもない秋という季節にあったコーデを考えてみました。みなさんのコーデのアイデアや(きびしー (笑))ご意見お待ちしてます! The mysterious red...
  • 「着物撮影の巻」Kimono photo shoots Summer 2018 夏

    「着物撮影の巻」Kimono photo shoots Summer 2018 夏
    As always I am way behind in blogging about previous kimono styling works. But let me show two of my favorite projects of the past summer. 2018年夏、とても楽しい着物スタイリングプロジェクトに参加させてもらいました! YY -waiwai- For the ensemble YY Japan I was asked to direct and style two looks for their artist pictures. Being a huge fan of their work, this was a great honor to me. YY consists of...