• 「7月着物コーデ」Kimono Styles July 2016

    「7月着物コーデ」Kimono Styles July 2016
    I regularly post my kimono coordinates on my Instagram & Twitter but fail to do so on my blog. So I thought I would show all the styles I wore in July here in a complete post. 着物コディネートの写真はよくインスタグラムやツイッターなどに載せますが、ブログにUPするのはいつも忘れちゃいます。そのため、今回「7月着物コーデのまとめ」として紹介したいと思います。 LET’S START ☆ For a meeting I chose a rather toned down summer kimono and spiced it up with a cute gold fish obi. The bag...
  • The kimono kid x SALZ Tokyo

    The kimono kid x SALZ Tokyo
    Last month I had an incredibly fun crossover collaboration with my dear friend Sasa from New York. Sasa is the head and creator behind the kimono kid and hand makes custom order kimono items in her atelier in Brooklyn. She does everything from scratch, taking the customers wishes and measurements, designs, hand dyes, cuts and sows kimonos, kimono jackets and anything wafuku you like...