「アンティーク着物 万華鏡」Antique Kimono Kaleidoscope
With the stylist, Ms. Chieko Iwata
協力 岩田ちえ子さんと共に
A new exhibition has opened its doors at the Yayoi-Yumeji Museum in Tokyo.
If you are a lover of antique kimono or even art and history, the new “Antique Kimono Kaleidoscope” collection is a real sight. Styled by no one less than Chieko Iwata, the kimono stylist who also worked closely with Nobuyoshi Araki (yes, that Araki!) over decades.
皆さん、いかがお過ごしですか? まだ雨の多い日が続いてますね。洗濯物がたまってたまって、たまに晴れた日は洗濯を2,3回なんてことも。これを梅雨の洗濯地獄といふ。
東京都文京区の弥生美術館と竹久夢二美術館で行われている「アンティーク着物 万華鏡 ―大正~昭和の乙女に学ぶ着こなし―」展覧会です。アンティーク着物や芸術、歴史が好きな人に最高です。今回、この展覧会の協力を勤めてくださったのは岩田ちえ子さんです。キューレターは学芸員の中村圭子さんと中川春香さんです。
What makes me very happy on a personal level, is the theme of this collection:
No need to be afraid of the “Kimono Police”
If you are hearing of the “kimono police” for the first time, let me quickly explain: When you wear a kimono, sometimes you may meet a person (often a “lady”) who tells you, that this or that detail of your outfit or dressing is not correct by the “kimono rule book”. We call these people the “kimono police” as they try to enforce some kimono rules on us.
Do not get me wrong. The “Kimono police” are basically kind people who try to teach us how to wear kimono (not everyone is that nice!) out of their goodwill, I am sure! But some may find it discomforting because sometimes we wear kimono in our style deliberately even though we know the “traditional rules” more or less.
「着物警察」って聞いたことあります?(本来の着物の決まりに基づいて)着物を着てオモテに出るとき、「ここが違う、ここをこうする」ってわざわざ教えてくださる方のことをいいます。英語で(勝手に 汗)キモノポリスと呼んでますが、なんかかっこいいですね。ロボコップみたい 笑。 誤解がないように言いますが、着物警察は悪い人ではまったくないんです。皆さん、決まりを勉強された方は教えてあげたいと思ってくれるんです。
The rather strict kimono dressing as we know today actually does not go that far back. The dressing was introduced when kimono started to become a piece of formal dress for special occasions.
In fact, Japanese kimono have been casual daily wear clothing for hundreds and hundreds of years. They have been worn in a sloppy way, tied out of the way with a tie and got dirty – as clothing does when you live and work in it.
Enjoying life carelessly in kimono 「キモノに自由を!」なんちゃって 笑 With my friend Sato (@sato_kimono) 友達のさとちゃんと♡ Look at how she dressed herself in the style of this exhibit お友達さとちゃんと、展覧会のテーマにあわせてのコーデです!
The Antique Kimono Kaleidoscope exhibition wants to remind of times where kimono wearing was carefree and personal. Based on lovely artworks from the Meiji (1868 – 1912) & Taisho (1912 – 1926) era, Chieko Iwata styled lovely kimono outfits which look like they just jumped out out of the drawing itself.
展覧会「アンティーク着物 万華鏡」は、この国の人々が着物を自由に個性的に着ていた時代を垣間見る機会となります。明治(1868-1912)と大正時代(1921-1926)の絵画、イラストなどをベースに、岩田さんは実際の着物をスタイリングされています。展覧会で、先ず、みんなびっくりすると思うんですが、岩田さんのコーデされたお着物たちはまるで、元になる絵画からそのまま飛び出してきたかのようなんです!!

Taken under a special permission. Photo not allowed. 特別に許可を頂いて撮影しております。館内の写真は基本的に撮影はできません(スミマセン!)
Wall screen showing elegant ladies’ attire changing from Meiji to Showa era 明治から昭和へのファッションの変遷が描かれた屏風 Kimono with western elements like in the left corner started in the Meiji era 西洋的な要素を取り入れた着物(左端)は明治時代から始まったようです
The museum itself consists of 3 floors and two connected buildings. Each floor offering a different experience including a corner where you can touch different silk kimono and and take pictures. This collocation also offers some explanation in English.
Kimono as everyday clothing. Nobody would dare to cry into their sleeve today. Western clothing with a Haori jacket on top. Based on the old drawings in the back.
Nagajuban – another layer of art below the kimono
長襦袢(ながじゅばん) キモノの下にあるもう一つの芸術
On the top floor you can learn about and also try on some antique Nagajuban – the “under kimono” worn below the actual kimono.

The Nagajuban – today mostly white or pink – used to be a real fashion statement. Whilst we are taught today to not have our juban peeking out, it used to be part of the outfit in the past. They were a piece of art, dyed in vivid red or with colorful designs. (See picture above – can you see the red undergarment? Also take note of how loosely they were dressed.)
How fun is that?
Famous woodblock print by Takehisa Yumeji 竹久夢二さんの木版画 Styling based on the art 左の作品をベースにしたスタイリングです
Taken under a special permission. Photo not allowed. 特別に許可を頂いて撮影しております。館内の写真は基本的に撮影はできません(スミマセン!)
One of my personal favorite is this work! A woman venturing outside, trying to shield herself from the snowfall by Takehisa Yumeji (竹久夢二). If looking closely you can see all the layers keeping her warm. How rough the kimono is tied, almost sliding off her shoulder, the obi soft like a shawl wrapped around her waist. Also here the under-kimono is showing here and there and the kimono is tied with a shibori tie in front.
So happy to have this beautiful art piece come to live in this exhibition. This is how I want to wear kimono – like a piece of clothing that lives!
なかでも最も目をひいた作品の一つが、 竹久夢二さん作の雪の中に立つ女性です。よく見ますと、寒さの中、何枚も重ね着しているのが見えますね。着物の着付けも、完璧とはいえません。帯は柔らかいショールのようで、長襦袢も見え隠れしています。わたしもこんなスタイリングができたらいいなぁ~。

Mini interview with Ms. Iwata
For this visit I was lucky enough to be introduced to the stylist Chieko Iwata, by my friend Sato-san. Chieko is such a fun person, who actually took the time to tour the exhibition with us. I took the chance to ask a few questions, which I’d like to share with you.
Can you believe she curated and styled the whole exhibition in only two months? The artwork was provided by the museum but basically all kimono displayed are actually from her own collection!
When asked if she is also wearing kimono herself, she denied and explained that she loves to style others and wouldn’t know where to start with herself.
Another reason is that she studied how to dress others, but is not used to dressing herself.
Before getting into kimono styling, she was working at a PR company. Once day they had to shoot a commercial for a kimono company, so the staff asked her to learn how to fold kimono. After watching and learning things on the job, she thought it was very interesting and started taking lessons to perfect her skills. Shortly after she got introduced to the famous photographer Araki, who was already picked up by the first photography magazines at the time. Chieko was hooked by Araki’s art as she never got bored with the work she was doing.
A truly exceptional lady with a refreshing view on the traditional garment that is kimono.
Talking to her truly inspired me to try thinking more outside the box.

Thank you so much for taking so much time! I am truly delighted to have made your acquaintance ♡
By the way, if you are in need for a refreshment during your visit: The Café of the museum offers special drinks during this exhibition. The purple actually changes its colour when adding sugar. (If you are just plain hungry, they also have Japanese curry and other savory delights.)
さて、暑い夏も近くなる今日この頃。美術館へいったら、ぜひ試してほしいのは、併設されてる喫茶店です。今回の展覧会の特別なドリンクがあるんです。砂糖を加えると色がかわります(ネタばれしてもうてるやん 笑) おなかがすいたらカレーなどもあるので是非!
限定のドリンク 写真はアングルが微妙でスマソw
If interested you can also get the book of the collection (Japanese) in the museum shop or via Amazon.
The exhibition will be open until the 29th of September 2019.
Yayoi Yumeji Museum Tokyo / 弥生美術館&竹久夢二美術館
Open: 10 AM to 5 PM (Please enter by 4:30 pm) / 午前10時~午後5時(入館は4時30分までにお願いします)
Closed: Mondays (or the following day when Monday is a holiday) / 休館日:月曜日(祝日の場合は翌火曜日)
Entrance Fee: Adults: 900yen / 入館料:一般900円/大・高生800円/中・小生400円
Address: 2-4-3 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032 / 〒113-0032 東京都文京区弥生2-4-3