「秋の着物撮影」Photo shoots from autumn
Currently there is still quite a backlog of kimono photo shoots and events I went to and haven’t written about yet so I will post a bit about stuff I did back in October/November.
One last minute, yet rather difficult shoot to execute (in terms of location and props) was with the popular Russian model and artist Ellen Sheidlin aka. Sheidlina.
With an incredible current following of 3.7 Million people on Instagram I was super intrigued that she wanted to work with me to create a great art piece in kimono.
生活が忙しくて中々ブログを更新する時間が・・ どうしても大きな写真たくさん載せたり、しっかり考えを書いたり、英語も日本語も(笑)時間かかりますね〜
10月は日本橋のサローネと同時にロシアの有名モデル・アーティストEllen Sheidlinとの着物撮影は無事に終わりました。
インスタグラムでのフォローワー数はなんと370万人ーーー!!(2018年現在の横浜市の人口が約370万人 <=雑学は、どーでもいいか 笑)
Ellen Sheidlin creates all her art using craft and makeup etc. and barely photoshop. That makes it also a bit tricky to shoot – for this shoot especially we had to get into the water with a silk kimono and place floating lamps on a flowing river.
With a lot of help and her almost losing the balance we still got everything done and I love the outcome:
流れの急な川じゃなかったけど、それでも、川に蝋燭が入ってる灯篭を置くとどんどん流されてしまうので、一個づつに透明な紐など付けたりして・・。でも、紐がとれて、灯篭が流されて、それを冷たい川の中追いかけて。。紐が絡まって、それをほどいて・・・と。ろうそくは水に強い2時間くらい使えるものを注文してたんだけど、10分ほどの撮影で、ろうそくをおく灯篭自体が水でふやけてきて、浸水、沈没する灯篭が続出(ちょっとさぎっぽい製品だなぁ 笑)
If you are interested to see behind the scenes (also of other shoots she had in Tokyo) please watch her video:
Sheidlina Instagram: https://instagram.com/sheidlina
Makeup: Jenny (https://www.instagram.com/pii.ka/)
Styling & Execution: SALZ Tokyo
Thanks again for shooting with me!
After my New York trip I had another shooting with the talented Irwin Wong.
Of course I couldn’t let the yellow Ginkgo leaves pass without using them as a backdrop for a kimono photo shoot!
I had this vision of long black hair, a yellow kimono in front of yellow autumn leaves and just a little darker yet antique look.
My model for the day usually never uses makeup products in daily life. But of course I came along with a yellow eye shadow and a very dark lipstick to transform her!
The outcome seemed to have made everyone happy so let me share the pictures with you:

Apart from digital photography Irwin brought along a surprise for us!!
With this retro style camera he took some film and polaroid pictures. It is so interesting how much work and time is involved to take a single snap with this camera. I love the imperfection and that you can’t edit the outcome.
Photography: Irwin Wong (https://irwinwong.com)
Model: Chizuko (https://twitter.com/kuroneko00030)
Styling & Direction: SALZ Tokyo
Skull obi: Modoribashi 戻橋 (https://www.facebook.com/modoribashi)
How do you feel about digital photography these days? Would you go back to film and polaroids?