Interview with a foreign Miko 「史上初?日本で活動する外国人巫女さんにインタビュー」
A friend of mine is working as a Miko (shrine maiden) in Japan. After I went to see her perform a ceremonial dance recently, I received a lot of questions about her profession and how it is to be a foreign Miko. So I asked if she would be willing to share her journey with you via an interview. I incorporated the most frequently asked questions. So let’s hear it!
What inspired you to become a Miko?
Anime of course. If it wouldn’t have been for modern Japanese pop-culture, it would have never caught my interest.
Also, I like the image of a pure and untainted girl. Who doesn’t want to be such a maiden? 😀
もちろん、アニメの影響(笑) 近代日本文化に関係がなけば、興味は沸かなかったのかも!?純粋で穢れのない女性のイメージって、だれもがそうなりたいと思うんじゃないでしょうか?(笑)
How did you become a Miko? And is it difficult to become one as a foreigner? Any special requirements?
The problem with becoming a Miko is, that it’s not really a recognized occupation requiring formal training. In other words, you can only join, if you have connections into Shinto, or if the shrine you ask is in favour of you.
I was able to join because i married into a Shinto-priest family. In that case, it would have almost been weird if I didn’t do anything Shinto related. (haha)
In the Encyclopedia of Shinto of the Kokugakuin University is written, that dancing shrine maiden are usually the daughters of Shinto priests or parishioners.
Besides your need of connections and plain luck, I recommend an intermediate skill level of Japanese, else you won’t understand what the priests are telling you and you won’t be able to serve the shrine visitors. You will also learn a large amount of Shinto vocabulary, which normal Japanese have no clue about – so be prepared.

How long did you have to train and how does the training look like?
As mentioned above, since the Miko isn’t a “formal” occupation requiring formal training (thus more like “baito” aka part time job), it all depends on you, your own skill and when your teacher decides that you are ready for your first public appearance.
In my case, my training consists mostly of learning the ceremonial dances. Japanese always strive for perfection, so I had to practice for nearly two years before I was allowed to dance my first ritual for the shrine gods. Just this year I was finally granted to advance and learn another, more difficult dance. Patience is needed. Never ending patience.
As until now, I am still regarded as a miko trainee (研修生).

What is the (daily) routine / tasks of a Miko?
Normal Miko work a couple of days per week. The working contracts are different from shrine to shrine. My shrine grants 2 year contracts. Shrine maiden are the assistants of priests. Handling of talisman to shrine visitors, serving tea to priests and guests, help cleaning the shrine compound, feeding the koi in the pond, assisting in religions ceremonies, handing out holy sake, etc etc.
During big shrine festivals, Miko may dance for the shrine deities, but this depends on if the shrine has a kagura stage and/or actually an educator to teach the specific movements of those holy dances.
巫女さんの通常のお勤めは、神社さんによっても異なるのですが、一週間に決まった数日のお勤めがあります。わたしのお勤めさせて頂いています神社さんは2年契約です。 参拝者様へのお守りなどのご提供、神主さんや参拝者様へのお茶のお手伝い、境内の清掃、池の(カワイイ!)鯉さんへの餌やり、神事のお手伝い、お神酒の提供等です。

Are you being judged for not being Japanese? How do people react?
日本人でないことで負い目になっていると感じますか? 日本の皆さんはどのような反応をしますか?
Until now I have never been negatively judged. Japanese show me reactions of being positively surprised spotting a foreign face.
One time, after I performed a ritual dance, an older Japanese lady came up to me, grabbed my hand and thanked me from the bottom of her heart. She told that witnessing my dance has moved her so much, the spiritual energy I had set free went into her and from tomorrow on she could live her daily life with new gained power. This was the biggest compliment I have ever received since becoming a Miko.

What is your favorite part of being a Miko?
Without even hiding it, being the center of attention, of course. (haha)
Also being able to learn insider knowledge about Japanese religion, not many people actually know about: Knowing how the roots of Shinto work, gives you a deeper insight into Japanese customs you wouldn’t be aware of else.
Here an example: Japanese actually do have a table prayer like Christians before having any meal. They don’t thank Jesus Christ but the big goddess Amaterasu instead.

How long does it take to get ready?
If this means dressing up in the regular Miko-kimono, about 10 minutes for me. I think the other girls in my shrine are faster, because they do it more often than me. Dressing up in the Heian-attire for the Kagura-dance takes me longer and I need assistance for it.
Is it a full time engagement and are there any rules about what you can and can’t do? (At the shrine as well as in your free time?)
Depends on the rules of the shrine. Some girls work from morning till evening and also on holidays. (New Years time is the hardest). At my shrine, I work occasionally. It is a big task and I can not work every day. ^^;
The only rules are lead by common sense: Don’t tell shrine secrets to public. Besides that, there are not really restrictions to me. It should depend on which shrine and which person though.
Technically, there are many rules though, it goes as far as having taboo words within Japanese language. But no one expects a foreigner to know those. (If you want to learn about these rules, you can read those up in the Encyclopedia of Shinto.)
日本語で使ってはいけない言葉がありますので、それらは決まりごとといえます。ただ、私のような外国人には分からない言葉です(笑) 決まりごとを本格的に知りたい方は、神道の辞書に掲載されています。
Were you raised religious? (Which one?) And does it clash with being a Miko? Was it difficult to get used to Shinto belief?
I was babtised Russian orthodox, was raised non-religious though. It doesn’t clash at all with being a Miko, because Shinto is such an easy going religion. Shinto belief is all about spirituality, which is very easy for many people. 🙂 I am still in the long training phase as a Miko, so I may be wrong and have misunderstandings here and there, but I hope to inspire more to visit shrines again.
元来は、ロシア正教で洗礼を受けています。但し、特に熱心ではなかったです。巫女であることとは、一切問題を感じていません。神道はとてもオープンな宗教です。神道の教義は、精神的なものであり、多くの人にとって開かれているのです。 (巫女としてまだ研修中の身ですので、間違いなど(たくさんあると思いますが!)あればご指摘ください。 今回のQ&Aには、神道への理解が少しでも広がればとの思いで参加させてもらいました。 是非、神社に足を運んで、神道について学んでみてください。)

Thank you so much for answering all these questions and sharing your experience with us!
Keep walking your path to happiness!
Thanks for reading!