「秋の着物コーデ」Favourite autumn kimono looks 2018
Autumn seemed to have passed by in the blink of an eye. Feeling bad for having neglected my blog all too much (I update all my kimono looks primarily on my instagram, but realized it’s a shame to let my own page slide..) So let me make up for it and share my favourite outfits from the not-hot-yet-not-cold season:
暑くも寒くもない秋という季節にあったコーデを考えてみました。みなさんのコーデのアイデアや(きびしー (笑))ご意見お待ちしてます!

曼珠沙華-彼岸花は、秋の訪れを教えてくれます。というか一年はやい 汗!
This gloomy day really made the colours of the flowers pop. Since it was drizzling a little I paired a lightweight wool hitoe kimono with Dr.Martens boots and a lace obi. Too short sleeves can be easily “covered up” by using long gloves.

夏はぁージェットコォースッタ~♪ (知らないだろうなぁ。しかも秋だし 笑)
Since my new hobby is to “do weird things in kimono” and was pretty sure nobody has challenged riding extreme roller coasters in kimono yet – I just had to! Proudly posing in the Fuji-Q Highland Park, home of some Guinness book of records sort of roller-coasters.
The outfit consists of a washable hitoe kimono made from suit fabric and a hanhaba (half-width) obi tied flat in the back. Both from Gofukuyasan (some items are now stocked in my shop and available for overseas customers!)

A modern kimono day wearing this amazing washable kimono by WAON Kimono, paired with a cotton polka dot Nagoya obi (no-brand) and my own SALZ design tabi socks and zouri sandals. The haneri was gifted to me in New York last year. Thanks again, I love it ♡
WAON Kimonoのお着物、ポルカドットの名古屋帯、そして、Salzオリジナルの足袋及び草履です!半襟はNY去年頂いたものです!

I remember this day in Kyoto was soo hot! Almost a bit too much for this checkered fine wool hitoe kimono (vintage). But I surely felt cool as heck, haha! The hanhaba obi is quite old as well, my new shades and earrings are from DollsKill. Feet are covered in SALZ again. I do love me some bold checkerboard – Don’t you?
この日の京都は暑かったぁ。ウールの一重の着物で、水分補給大目で動き回りました。京都の街角にて、DollsKill のイヤリングで撮影!足元はすべてSalzのオリジナルです!

Last day of hitoe season (by kimono rulebook, unlined kimono shall only be worn in June and September) Nowadays I feel these rules can be a little outdated, as the weather has changed so much that it still often is too hot in October to wear lined kimono, without risking a heat stroke…
Anyways, I LOVE my lace kimono by OiL JAPAN gle縞. The fun part is, that depending on which colour of juban (under-kimono) you wear, the style and look of the whole kimono changes. Extra invested in this green juban because green is my favourite colour (and I already got a red one.) Paired with a vintage obi with cute monkeys on it, which was left my by my dear friend Sydney and tabi socks by Jotaro Saito (and my own zouri again).
OiL JAPAN gle縞 のレースの着物は大好きです。襦袢の色によって、全体的な着物の色合いが変わります。

On the next day I was obedient to the rule book (its October, hey!) and dressed in awase (lined) kimono. Houndstooth is another one of my favourite designs at the moment (definitely hooked on geometry) and this washable polyester kimono is such a nice quality. I think the brand is Kansai, but not sure tbh. As I was heading to Nihonbashi that day for the Kimono Salone event, the cute Nagoya obi with an ukiyoe wood block print artwork of Nihonbashi in the Edo period was just perfect. Really wondering if anyone noticed haha. On my feet again, Jotaro and SALZ. I guess this will be on repeat.
着物サローネ( Kimono Salone )で、日本橋にお出かけ。 Jotaro Saito の足袋はやっぱりいい!

Total change of style! Sometimes I crave to time travel into the Edo period. The “machimusume” was a common city girl in the Edo period and probably looked somehow like this (minus the yellow hair). Kimono and obi are vintage finds. The sleeves of the kimono are rather short, so I thought I’d tie them EVEN SHORTER with a “tasuki himo” aka. a string to get the sleeves out of the way when working or doing chores. The Nihongami (traditional Japanese hairstyle) did not turn out too great that day but oh well..
町娘スタイルに挑戦!江戸の女の子たちはどんな生活をしてたんだろうと思いをはせながら、着て見ました。着物は小さめなので、たすきがけしてごまかしてます笑 日本髪も結ってみてますが、うーんという出来です。まだまだ修行が足りません。

Ohh this kimono is so wonderful. Another lucky find which I shall treasure. Lovely antique silk kimono with arrow design paired with the modern polka dot obi and retro hair style. Another time slip – this time to the 1920’s perhaps? Definitely a good day!

Let’s close this post off with a lovely stroll at Shinjuku Gyoen Garden with a friend who wanted to play with her camera. My kitsuke aka. dressing was not very good that day, as I was a little under time pressure, but I love these pictures. Wearing a iromuji (plain colour) silk kimono (vintage) paired with a Nagoya obi by SAKU Laboratory.
新宿御苑での撮影です!時間がなくて、ちょっと着付けが乱れております・・涙。でもとても楽しかったよ!色無地、 SAKU Laboratoryの名古屋帯です!
Which kimono look is your favourite? Please let me know in the comments 🙂
xoxo Anji