「浴衣でグランドキャニオン」Grand Canyon in Yukata
Last month I went to the United States for a bit – including Las Vegas, its nearby Grand Canyon and California.
You probably already know me better – of course I did not go there in Western clothing! Why let the chance slip to wear kimono or at least yukata in such a scenic location?
Since I could only travel with a tiny suitcase this time, bringing a full Japanese kimono outfit wasn’t an option – but a yukata (cotton kimono) needed to be squeezed in at least, haha!
Said and done – the West Grand Canyon can be reached in about 2-3 hours from Las Vegas by car. The famous eagle point has a glass bridge you can walk on for a pricey fee, but I would not spend my money on that tbh. You can see enough from the edges of the Canyon itself.
The view was breathtaking. It doesn’t really show in the pictures but this over 1 km deep cliff is truly something to experience.
グランドキャニオンの西側へはベガスからほぼ2-3時間のドライブで到着できます。イーグルポイント(eagle point)という場所が有名で、ここは、ガラスの床がある見晴台があります。この見晴台は結構なお値段で、今回の節約旅行ではパス。決して怖かったわけではないのです!それに、崖の淵まで行けば、かなり(!)見えます。
A little apart from this spot is the guano point – and a personal favorite of mine. Less crowded and the view is even way better with the river below. It was about 34℃ that day but a very dry heat so I did not sweat much (unlike when its below 30℃ in Japan – thank you humidity).
イーグルポイントから少し離れたところに、グアノポイント(guano point)という場所があり、ここは、個人的には、イーグルよりよかった。人が少ないのと、景色がもっとキレイでした。当日は34度でしたが、湿度がかなり低いので、汗をかきません。助かった。
After a slow walk around the view point and a little climb on the scattered rocks we headed back to Las Vegas. Naturally a little detour to the Hoover Dam was necessary. And wow, that was an impressive sight too. Can you see how tiny the people are? Such a massive scale!
It seems most of California is powered by the electricity of the Hoover Dam. Unfortunately the water level is constantly dropping which would mean extreme consequences for the cities as well as agriculture suffering due to non-existent water supply.
グアノポイントを散歩して、岩でごつごつしたところを上ったりしたあと、ラスベガスへ帰りました。帰る途中にフーバーダム(Hoover Dam)という貯水池があり、寄り道にはなりますが、ここは必見です。とにかくデカイ。北海道はデッカイどーどころではない。見てください、よく見ると人がいますよ。これでダムのサイズがお分かりいただけますでしょうか?

Las Vegas seemed to me like a real-life Disney Land for adults. Everything seemed so unreal like a plastic world. Definitely a fun place to see once.
Do you know the movie Oceans 11? This is the Bellagio Casino they robbed in the movie.
So fun to see it in real.

In Los Angeles I met 3 lovely kimono ladies (one not pictured) in little Tokyo!
Worldwide kimono love!

Unfortunately the weather in California was mostly gloomy and a bit cold (17℃) which was a bit sad but I enjoyed the company and food!
Any ideas at which place I should wear kimono next?
Anji xxx