「北鎌倉の紫陽花」The Hydrangea of Kita-Kamakura 梅雨に絶対行くべき、鎌倉の名所とは!?
The only positive thing about the rainy season in Japan (next to the watering of the veggies) is the beautiful Hydrangea blooming on every corner.
If the venue famous for hydrangea in Japan, Mimuroto temple in Kyoto is so famous. Yet, if in Kanto area, I have one favorite place. Especially famous for the often blue or purple flower is Kamakura (鎌倉) a lovely town 1 hour away from Tokyo. (Already featured last summer: Kamakura – Off the beaten track)
This time my friend Etsuyo and me headed down there to bask in the flowers for a day, so I’d like to share my experiences here.
今回は、友達のエツヨさんと日帰り旅行に行ってきましたので、その模様を実況中継いたします 笑
Engakuji Temple / 円覚寺
We got off at the Kita-Kamakura Station (北鎌倉駅) and almost right next to it was our first point of visit – the Engakuji Temple (円覚寺). A lovely temple surrounded by a large garden area. Not primarily a place to see the flowers, but not crowded and some nice large bushes to take that instagram picture (haha, I know I did.) Also loved the surrounding buildings and nature.
まずはじめの目的地は円覚寺( 1282年建立 )です。JR横須賀線北鎌倉駅で改札口を出ればそこは境内で、とても便利です。大きく綺麗な庭園に囲まれたお寺さんですが、それほど混雑していないのでインスタに最適です。もともと、中国の無学祖元さんを迎えて開いたお寺だそうです。毎週土日は基本的に座禅会が開かれているそうです。


March to November: 8:00〜16:30
December to February: 8:00〜16:00
3月〜11月 8:00〜16:30
12月〜2月 8:00〜16:00
Adults/大人 ¥300
Kids/小人 ¥100
Since it was already past lunch time, we researched a bit and found this lovely “Café Minka” (喫茶ミンカ) hidden in the garden of a small side street. Apparently this place gets quite busy, so we had to mark our name down on a list and wait a little. (We spent the time checking out a small vintage kimono shop right across the street btw.)
ランチタイムは Café Minka (喫茶ミンカ) さんにお邪魔しました。結構な人気ぶりで、お店に着くと先ずは名前を書いて待たなければなりませんでした。横道に入った小さなお庭にあります。ちなみに・・・ビンテージの着物屋さんが道を挟んですぐにありました!
The Café was very lovely from the inside. A refurbished countryside house look and relaxing atmosphere. Everything is home made there. My friend had a chai tea and pasta, I did the same with a lemonade instead. The pasta looked not very special, however tasted so so good. Also the pudding was just a delight. If you have a bit time to wait, I would totally recommend this place.

Café Minka Facebook
Opening times: Saturday to Thursday / 11:30-17:30 / Fridays closed
営業時間:土曜日〜木曜日 11:30-17:30 / 金曜日は休み
With our filled tummies we made our way to the popular Meigetsu-in (明月院) a temple garden or let’s better say an ocean of Hydrangea flowers! Super beautiful with lots of elevation and stairs as well as the Zen temple itself.
Meigetsu-in / 明月院

You can probably imagine that we were facing quite some crowds of other visitors who wanted to enjoy an afternoon in the flowers. I should have taken a picture of the crowds too when thinking about it now. But I tried to get shots without anyone in. Although I have to say I have seen worse – so it was still a manageable amount – with a little patience here and there you could take pictures with the flowers alone. (I would try avoiding a visit on the weekend if you have the flexibility though. We went on a weekday, 1.5 hours before closing time and had a quite good time!)
The Meigetsu-in has a famous round window with a Japanese garden behind, however there was a long line to take a picture, so we skipped it. We were waiting until closing time to take pictures on the famous staircase enclosed with flowers right and left… However even until the last seconds there were crowds of photographers at the bottom of the stairs, trying to get a shot without people in it. We waited for 20 minutes, scared to step in front of this camera wall, but there was no stopping them. In the end I just gathered all my courage and stepped in front of them to take a few pictures of myself. It was very intimidating and I was actually shaking of fear they would get angry, but we got a few nice snaps without trouble. You could cut the tension with a knife though… and the next person stepping on the stairs got yelled at haha.
明月院には有名な丸い窓があります。こちらは、長い行列があり、あきらめました。アジサイが左右を彩る道ではぜひ写真をと思い、閉園ぎりぎりまで待っていたのですが、みなさんも同じお考えでした 笑。ちょっと、お邪魔覚悟で写真を撮っちゃいました。他のお客様、申し訳ございません 笑!

Meigetsu-in 明月院
Opening times: June 8:30~17:00 / other months: 9:00~16:00
拝観時間:6月 8:30~17:00、6月以外 9:00~16:00
Admission/料金 ¥300
June/6月 ¥500
All in one we had a very relaxing and fun day viewing the flowers and taking pictures. Hope this will inspire you for a small day trip too 🙂
Apart from the Hydrangea season I think the whole area will be very beautiful still. A nice power spot to recharge from our busy life.