「令和」The start of a new era
Today (1st May 2019) marks a special and historic day in Japan. The change of the emperor which ultimately includes the start of a new era. 本日、2019年5月1日は日本では記念すべき日になりました。第125代天皇明仁が退位され、皇太子徳仁親王が即位されました。何かと騒がれた退位ですが、天皇制の歴史の中では、これまで何度もあったようですね。
令和 – REIWA
I really love the name for the new time period, because it sounds similar to the period I was born in (昭和 – Shōwa) and has the Kanji 和 (wa) in it, which stands for traditional Japanese things. (Amongst the meaning of peace..). This era’s name is based on Man-yo-shu, the oldest collection of waka poetry from Nara period. I sent the Salz Tokyo team to Nara Prefecture Complex of Man-yo Culture to study.
「令和」は、万葉集をベースにしているとのこと、Salz Tokyoのスタッフは奈良県立万葉文化館にもお邪魔して、勉強させてもらいました。
Since last year I have worked on a very special kimono with the embroidery artist SHISHUMANIA, which I’m excited to reveal today.

This kimono is made of black velvet and embroidered by Shishumania. We had an amazing photo shooting with great team yesterday. I’m going to post about the whole concept soon, but just wanted to show at least two pictures from yesterdays shoot.
黒のベルベットに SHISHUMANIAさんによる刺繍を施しました。僭越ながら「令和着物」です!

Embroidery / 刺繍: https://www.shishumania.com
Photography / 写真家: https://www.benjamin-hung.com
Model / モデル:https://www.instagram.com/gold_erika/
Kimono・Design・Direction / 着物・デザイン・ディレクション: SALZ Tokyo
Happy Reiwa to you! 令和元年にもよろしくお願いします。