「行田市忍城時代まつり」Gyoda Oshi Castle Jidai Matsuri
On November 10th, Gyoda City (Saitama prefecture) celebrated its annual “Oshi Castle Epoch Festival” (忍城時代まつり). Since epoch festival sounds kind of weird to me, I just kept the blog title in jinglish (japanese-english) as I feel it sounds nicer.
Gyoda (行田市) is a city with rich culture. Once the main producer for tabi aka. kimono socks Japan wide, the city still has many craftsmen and preserved old buildings. The pride of the city however might be the Oshi Castle which was originally constructed in 1479 and deemed indestructible….
Well, … but only until the Meiji restoration, when it was just torn down and the land turned into a park.
Luckily the tower of the castle was reconstructed in 1988 and is now used as the local history museum.
みなさん、ご機嫌いかがですか? 周りではインフルが流行りだしています。ある友人は、予防接種をしたのに、お子さんと一緒にインフルだそうです。師走に向けて忙しくもなる時期です。健康管理は、くれぐれも気をつけたいですね。

Time slip into the Edo period いざ、江戸時代へ!!
For the 40th time, Gyoda celebrated its history with this annual festival set in the Edo period – and I was invited to join too!
After a speech from the organizers and city officials a long parade of samurai in armors set in motion. High rank samurai followed by foot soldiers, musicians as well as a crowd of kimono ladies with Nihongami in which I found my place.

We were walking through the city in a long train whilst greeting the locals or cheering crowds along the road. The weather was absolutely fabulous and it was a lovely experience to see the city from such a unique perspective.
I never had the chance to visit before but definitely would like to come back to see more of Gyoda.

Our walk was concluded at the Oshi castle. It felt almost surreal, as if I had time travelled with such scenery and surrounded by people in armor and beautiful kimono.
After a group picture we spread out to see the famous performance on the castle bridge.

Oh, from drooling over all these cool men in uniform.. (I mean armor) it had me almost forget to talk about my own outfit a little.

I wanted to be a little “Edo authentic” so went for very relaxed kimono dressing with only two koshihimo ties and no additional accessories such as collar stiffener (eri-shin), any datejime and also tied my obi with no ties or accessories.
The kimono chosen is a wine red antique silk kimono with silver asanoha design. For the extra “Edo feel” I added a black collar onto the kimono.
The obi actually is a modern print obi by Gofukuyasan with cats taken a hot bath (a different color to this one available in my shop: Cat Onsen Kyofukuro Obi)
Tabi are my own design (also in my shop) and Geta from Furifu.
帯は、近代の帯(ゴフクヤサン)でネコさんの温泉( Onsen Kyofukuro Obi )です。じつはこれ私のオンラインショップで売ってますよ(営業トーク!)。
もう一枚 さらに一枚 汗
Matchlock gun firing 火縄銃の実演
After a brief fight performance of two rivals on the bridge in front of the castle, the doors open and a group of armored samurai spread out right and left of the bridge.
After loading old matchlock rifles with gun powder, the warriors proceed to put fire from the match cord wrapped around their arms and on command shoot the rifles in the air.
I have never seen such matchlocks being fired so I was very excited – plus I do love some loud bangs! Reminds me of the large china crackers during new years eve.

This session was repeated a few times while the crowd held their breath.
A great experience which I am so happy to have witnessed.

忍城 左の方、本当に剃ってます!
Festival stalls 出店がいっぱい
Of course any event can’t be called a “matsuri” unless it serves a lot of local delicacies and has fun workshops and other stalls.
So after strengthening ourselves with some yummy food, we proceeded to stroll around the festival.
At a “ninja booth” your shuriken (手裏剣) aka ninja star throwing skills were put to a test.
Spoiler: I am not doing that great!!
Howeverrrrrrr.. I might have some hidden talents at shooting poisoned arrows at my enemies. Erm I mean operating the fukiya (blowgun) with darts. Let me live my Edo fantasies haha!
必殺着物忍者! 最近鳴りを潜めるひこニャンと。。誰や?

Such a lovely day with new friends made.
A special thanks also again for Sawa-san of the Edo Nihongami Group for organizing everything.
Afterwards I joined everyone for a get together with a local friend and were overwhelmed with a large omotenashi dinner for everyone. They went out of their way to offer some local delicacies as well as her friend worked for hours in the kitchen to make udon from scratch.
Naturally we all couldn’t move after such a glorious feast! Haha!
お祭りの後は、地元のお友達の家で、打ち上げでした。ここでは、初めてしった「いが饅頭」に遭遇。これは、いい意味でたいがいでした。なんと、饅頭をお赤飯でつつむ。饅頭も好き、お赤飯もすきというわたしには願ってもないコンビネーション?笑 一個食べると、結構おなかいっぱいの、スーパー兵器でした。

What a lovely day! I definitely want to explore Gyoda further the next time.
Have you ever been or would you like to see the festivities next year?
Let me know in the comments.
xoxo Anji