「2019年度 足袋コレ」Tabi Collection 2019
How are you doing? The summer still seemed to have stretched out in Japan, my hometown in Germany however seemed to have entered Autumn moods. Now it is October! Can you believe it? Time flies so fast. 残暑の中、如何お過ごしでしょうか?ついに10月に入ってしまいましたね~。朝晩は涼しくなってきましたが、日中は真夏さながらの日差しと湿気がすごい日がまだありますね。ご慈愛のほどを。 On the 22nd of September 2019, the Tabi Collection (called “tabicolle 2019”) took place at the Edo Tokyo Festival in Ueno, Tokyo. In case you feel...