Silk Screen Print Hachiman Senshoku in Kyoto シルクスクリーン、京都「八幡染色」さんを訪ねて
In the Southern area of Kyoto station, you can find some dye factories. This time, we had the pleasure to visit one of the famous dye companies in Kyoto, specialized in silk screen printing.
Mr. Yamaguchi is the owner of the company, HACHIMAN SENSHOKU.
His father started the company in 1939 in Kyoto.
今回、うかがったのは、八幡染色有限会社さんで、社長の山口 泰成さんにご案内して頂きました。
Yamaguchi, his younger brother and a couple of employees run the traditional dye house. He supplies for some famous brands.
The workshop and building has a feeling of the Showa time (retro 60s-70s) – as a lover of everything with a story and some age, this place was like heaven. Even though the building has aged, the working equipment seemed to have been taken care of well.
When entering the building, there is an office space and then the workshops mainly consisting of the silk screening area with a washing sink as well as an ink mixing lab and examination/steaming area. Close to the office we found a small warehouse of fabrics and the finished works being processed for delivery.
Mr. Yamaguchi kindly explained the silk screening process. During our visit, there were two persons silk screening. Everyone was so kind and took time to show us their work.
As you can see above, a multicolored design has to be printed several times with various screens to create the full pictures.
For example if you wanted to print a red flower you may need 3 screens: One for the green stem and leaf, one for the red flower petals and maybe another one to dye the background in another colour. A process which requires absolute precision and experience.
So many screens 版は無数にあります。 The Blade 職人の刀 スケージ
Using the wooden blade with an attached rubber lip, the ink is transferred into the textile through the silk screen. Different dye works need different flexibility in rubber, hence the large selection.
The blades used for silk screen reminded me a little of samurai swords.
Silk screen in progress 作業中のシルクスクリーン Viewing sample swatches 色サンプルを見せていただきました
So exciting to see the beautiful work up close.
The silk screen table is actually as long as 25m. This takes quite a lot of arm grease to complete! (Also thinking of the many steps of drying and repeating with different screens.)
Releasing the color paste 染料を流します! Solid color dye on top of design 染料を刷り込みます!
After dyeing is done, the screen and blades need to be washed at a washing station.
After leaving the dye area, we got to peek into the ink lab. The beautiful colors are made here with the expertise of professionals. Does it remind you of a vintage pharmacy as well?
Making exactly the same color is very difficult job. Mixing just the same amount of ink does not do the trick. Even though you do so, the outcome is often different due to many factors such as climate, humidity, fabric etc. It is hard especially to recreate a light color.
Buckets with mixed dye 調合された染料の入ったバケツ The “nori” paste 糊
The sticky pastes called “nori” are used be mixed with dye. It is made of sea weed. Kinda soft and squishy, haha.
Small steamer next to laundry machines to test the color 洗濯機の横には、色を試すための小型の蒸し器があります Fabric swatches 色の見本
The younger brother of Mr. Yamaguchi joined us to explain his expertise of color mixing and steaming. So exciting to learn so much about the dyeing process and materials used.
After the factory visit, we had a small talk in the office over a cup of green tea.
Isn’t his office amazing? Almost looks like something in a Ghibli movie. It is a real craftsman’s office!
Possibly everyone would be overwhelmed by the big mountains of paper/documents, colour samples and textiles. It almost seems to represent the mountain of precious knowledge since its establishment.
We asked if he knows what and where everything is in his office. He says he knows basically where everything is. How amazing!!
He told us the story about how the production shifted to overseas. He visited the silk screen factory in China in the past, as he explained to us with some photos taken from that trip. On his visit, he thought it would be 10 years to take over Japan’s silk screening. Now more than ten years passed.
Now many dye factories in Kyoto (and anywhere else in Japan) are gone and more apartments and parking lots sitting where they used to be.
No one is there to take over the company. Mr. Yamaguchi has 2 sons and both do not work in the dyeing industry. He joked that his sons get paid better than him. (Unfortunately that is probably true – the System in Japan does not treat craftsmen very well – our personal opinion).
山口さんは、染色はどんどん海外生産へ移った、とおっしゃります。以前、山口さんは中国の染色工場を訪問されたことがあったようです。その時の写真など見せていただきました。中国の工場の中で、こう思ったそうです、「あと十年は大丈夫」、と。そして、( わたしが会社を訪問した時点で、)「ちょうど今年で十年たった」と。ドラマチックですが、少し悲しい。今、周りをみても(京都も、日本全国)、多くの染物屋さんは廃業され、跡地は駐車場やマンションになってしまったようです。
日本は職人さんの国ですが、職人さんが食べていけない国でもあると感じています(生意気言ってます 笑)。
Thank you so much for the precious chance to be in the factory and thank you and your staff for taking the time.
Visiting Hachiman Senshoku, we felt so amazed by the work of dye. It is a pity this industry is shrinking in Japan. We are hoping the market will revive and flourish with new demands! We are a tiny fish in the market and do not think we can be any help but if any, please talk to them for great projects! (If any Japanese help needed, just talk to us!)
今回、 お伺いして感じたのは、染色のお仕事、職人芸、職人魂への尊敬です。日本で、この産業が縮小しているのは残念です。新たな需要により、またこの産業が息を吹き返せるんじゃないか、こんな小さな無力な自分でも、なにかできる事はないのか、と自問自答してしまいました。
Kyoto 京都
TEL: 075-691-6413
FAX: 075-681-3564
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