「妊娠と着物」Pregnancy in kimono
This year has been a crazy ride! I can’t believe it is already November (and that I neglected my blog for such a long time!).
One of the best things that has happened to me this year, I have yet announced here:
I am pregnant and due to give birth any day now..
Now as that is something completely new in my life, I was very curious until when and also how a pregnant person can wear kimono. Now in my last 1-2 weeks before due date I feel like I can properly look back and show all the stages of pregnancy in kimono.
I found out about the pregnancy in the end of March 2020. Of course in the first months there isn’t much to show for so nobody noticed anything. Around May-June a light bump started showing when Western clothing, however when wearing kimono nobody would notice at all until July.
The straight silhouette as well the obi belt hide it very well.
(The first months of pregnancy can be different for everyone, so if you’re nauseous or feeling sick etc. please be careful when wearing kimono!)
July (5 months pregnant)・ 7月(妊娠5ヶ月目)
In July I announced my pregnancy on social media with these pictures. Still not very visible unless I emphasize the bump by holding my hands below. You may notice that I already started to tie the obi higher than usual as it is a little difficult and also more uncomfortable to have it in its usual position.

Outfit details:
– SALZ Original Egypt kimono & obi
– Sato Kimono Knuckle duster haneri
– SALZ Original zouri
– Vintage bag
August (6 months pregnant)・ 8月(妊娠6ヶ月目)
Still working and with a fresh hair cut and color, the beginning of August looked like this. The pregnancy belly can barely be seen and also easily hidden behind bags, haha!

Outfit details:
– Vintage black & white asanoha Summer kimono
– White Summer Hakata Nagoya obi
– Custom geta
– Robita leather bag
End of August / beginning of September I did a small road trip to Kyoto by car, to get out of the house once this years yet be safe from COVID-19. When not driving, I ventured out in kimono. At this point it was still quite hot out, however wearing kimono was no problem and actually very comfortable.
Naturally I did not tie everything too tight to make sure I won’t restrict breathing or exhaust myself. (Again, if you tend to overheat easily etc. be careful wearing kimono and take lots of breaks / liquids.)

September (7 months) ・ 9月(妊娠7ヶ月目)
At this point in September I already needed to make sure to be comfortable. Also the pregnancy belly grew that much, that wearing small kimono (such as antique) was not possible anymore. Well fitting modern / tailored kimono are the choice to go with, as they still can be wrapped across the larger bump without trouble.
Further I started skipping many ties and dressing items such as datejime, obi ita (obi stiffener) etc. and exchanging koshihimo with elastic belts to hold the kimono in place. Under-bust I only used a korin belt (elastic clip belt).
The obi choice also shifted towards softer and casual obi which aren’t too heavy and sturdy.

Outfit details:
– Denim kimono with hand painted phoenix
– Antique chuuya obi with Western design
– IWASA x Fujita Tomoko zouri
– Robita leather batik hand bag
October (8 months)・ 10月(妊娠8ヶ月目)
At this point the pregnancy is really obvious even in kimono and when dressing, the only way for me to be comfortable is to tie the kimono either on top or on the bottom of the belly. Naturally the ohashori fold will be way lower than usual and also not very neat, which personally subconsciously annoyed me a little (haha!) but this seemed the only way for me to be comfortable. (And darn it was comfy!!) Everything tight across the bump is just no no at this point.
Obi choices are shifting away to even softer hanhaba (half-width) or heko obi at this point. Just casually tied in a bow or something.

Outfit details:
– SALZ Original lion kimono
– Leopard heko obi by Rumi Rock
– IWASA x Fujita Tomoko zouri
– Tabi socks by Jotaro Saito

November (9 months)・ 11月(妊娠9ヶ月目)
3 weeks before due date, I recorded a video on how I dress kimono when highly pregnant. This is just my own experience and what worked for me so there is no “must” or there might be even better way to wear kimono when pregnant. However as there seems to be almost no much info out there, I thought it might be kind of interesting to see.
I am speaking about all the details in the video, so am keeping this post brief.
If interested please have a look:
A word of caution at the end: Everyone has different pregnancies and bodies/health, so please be careful and listen to your body when wearing kimono during this time. What worked for me, might not work for everyone in the same way. I can cope quite well with heat, did not feel exhausted during my pregnancy and was quite active. Especially in the last months, choose your footwear wisely, watch your step and take breaks if you need to!
Thanks so much for reading!
Soon, the next challenges will be how to wear kimono with a baby and how to breastfeed in kimono I suppose…
Stay safe and healthy out there.
xoxo Anji

Outfit details:
– Cotton hitoe by Rumi Rock
– Leopard heko obi by Rumi Rock
– IWASA x Fujita Tomoko zouri
– Tabi socks by Jotaro Saito