「着物ワークショップ」Kimono workshops in NYC
During and after the Fudangi exhibition I wrote about in my last post, I also scheduled my first time ever kimono related workshops and some photo shoots. (Because how often do you have the chance to capture the NYC skyline with kimono?)
Prior to my trip I asked my followers on social media what kind of workshop they would like to attend when I am in New York / what they need help with in regards of kimono.
And the majority voted for Styling & Kimono dressing as well as a few people wanted to learn how to do Nihongami.
So I set up two dates for those workshops and started preparing. Since I myself actually less confident than it usually appears (I hate to stand in front of a crowd/on stage where everyone looks at me – believe it or not) and I am always super scared of disappointing people and being a failure, the 3 weeks before the trip were nerve-wrecking for me. Haha. I could barely sleep or had nightmares in which my workshop was a total disaster or nobody showed up. But there was no turning back.
ワークショップをやるのは初めてでとても怖くて不安いっぱいでした。実はあまり人の前に立つ自信がないのです・・ そしてお客様が誰も来なかったら、どうする??期待外れだったら大変・・とのことは頭の中でずっと回ってて(笑)ワークショップ前は、よく寝れず、ワークショップがうまく行かない悪夢を何回もみて・・ バカみたい!
A few days after my arrival I had my first workshop:
Kimono styling & kitsuke (kimono dressing)
To my relief almost all slots were booked and everyone seemed to have so much fun!
Even I wasn’t nervous because everyone was so sweet and trusting and I tried to explain and help as much as I could.
When people told me they finally understood and could improve something they were puzzled about for a long time and that they were happy with what they learned I was really moved! What a rewarding feeling.
Towards the end my dear Nihongami and Kitsuke sensei Yoko Sawa also came by to say hello and she helped me to take care of the half group for obi dressing.
Everything went so smooth and we finished right on time. What a blessing!
(Neither-less to say that I slept like a rock that night ahaha. And I had super sore muscles from whooping my heavy kimono filled suitcase around the metro stairs.)
ニューヨークで初めてのワークショップ・・ 怖かったけど、結局ほとんど満員御礼(といっても6人ですけど 笑)で大変喜びです。定員6名というのもちょうど良かったと思います。
The Nihongami workshop
was scheduled for a week after and since it is quite a niche topic there weren’t as many participants (however looking back I am glad there weren’t more because I could take enough time to explain and help in detail.)
Since Yoko was still in the city and she is a Nihongami veteran I was glad that she was willing to help me with my workshop. She showed step by step how to do the (modernized version) traditional Japanese hairstyle and I translated and helped the girls in detail to repeat the steps on themselves.
Photographer Jun whom I met through a friend also stopped by to document everything in pictures. Thanks so much again Jun!!

Thank you again Yoko for your help! 澤さん(先生!)、サポート本当にありがとうございましたヽ(;▽;)ノ
If you like to follow her work / 澤先生のプロファイルはこちら。ぜひフォローをお願いします:
In my next blog entry I will show you the results of my photo shoots in New York.