• 「藤の花と着物」Wisteria and kimono

    「藤の花と着物」Wisteria and kimono
    Last month the weather got warm out of sudden, so the Wisteria flowers started blooming faster than usual. These magical weeping flowers are probably one of my favorites ever, so I had to do a small kimono photoshoot. お久しぶりです!元気ですかぁ(猪木さん風に)? 先月から突然暖かくなってきましたね。藤の花は例年より早く咲き始めました。毎年4月下旬からキレイにしだれて咲き始めるこの花は、私の大好きな花の一つで、着物撮影を絶対やりたいと思ってました。 Luckily the gorgeous Choom agreed to model for me. I proudly like to announce that this was the first shoot where I also did...
  • 「コンクリートジャングル」Concrete Jungle

    「コンクリートジャングル」Concrete Jungle
    Tokyo’s concrete jungle sometimes can be overwhelming. But it also lures you with all its colours and lights. Endless opportunities for shopping and food. Masses of people pushing through the streets like blood cells in the arteries, giving this metropolis live. こんにちは、ご機嫌いかがですか? さて、詩人的に・・・東京のコンクリートジャングルは時に過食気味に感じることもあります。 でも、その一方で、その色や光であなたを魅了するものでもあります。買い物や食べ物も数え切れないほどの場所があります。右から左へ流れる人々が、血管を流れる血液のように、この都市に生命を与えていると思いませんか? Shinjuku’s Kabukicho used to be a rather dangerous area controlled by the Yakuza. Today it is rather safe – yet...
  • 「撮影」Dirndl vs. Kimono Photoshoot

    「撮影」Dirndl vs. Kimono Photoshoot
    A few weeks back I had another fun photo shoot with a more complex theme and location. Also I upped the number of models to two! 最近、面白い撮影を考えてみました。今回は、少し深い意味の着物撮影で、モデルさんは二人で! Dirndl vs. Kimono Photoshoot ディルンドル vs 着物 As the name suggests it actually was no competition yet I came up with this idea inspired by the ever boiling “cultural appropriation” topic in the U.S. Although it almost...
  • 「着物撮影in渋谷」Shibuya Kimono Photoshoot

    「着物撮影in渋谷」Shibuya Kimono Photoshoot
    A while back I got an enquiry from a super talented photographer named Saq Imtiaz, who shoots a lot for VOGUE in Paris as well. He was briefly in Tokyo and we squeezed in a two-outfit Kimono shoot even he barely slept for a week. Before the shoot I was out hunting for locations but actually on the day, the photographers schedule was really...
  • 「牛島の藤花園」Wisteria & Kimono

    「牛島の藤花園」Wisteria & Kimono
    Today I want to introduce you my favourite spot around Tokyo to see the Wisteria bloom. 「藤の花を見に行きたい!」という方へ♡ おすすめスポットをご紹介します。
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