• 「斉藤三才」Saito Sansai - Roots of Jotaro Saito

    「斉藤三才」Saito Sansai - Roots of Jotaro Saito
    Many of you probably already know about JOTARO SAITO, a kimono brand from Kyoto which I reported about previously. (At Tokyo Fashion Week & The store) 着物好きやブログを読んでる皆さんはJOTARO SAITOと言う着物ブランドを知ってますよね? 今回はこのブランドの歴史を紐解いてみたいと思います。 (前回の記事:東京コレクション & 絹磨xJOTARO SAITOの紹介) JOTARO SAITO actually comes from a traditional line of kimono artisans in Kyoto. His father Saito Sansai also designs kimono (and revolutionised the industry already before Jotaro) and also Sansai has...
  • 「原宿ラフォーレで着物ショッピング」Harajuku LaForet's kimono shops

    「原宿ラフォーレで着物ショッピング」Harajuku LaForet's kimono shops
    Last Saturday I went to Harajuku’s LaForet Shopping mall to check out the nice kimono pop up shops there. During the Summer months, many kimono brands offer their yukata and kimono items in department stores in the city. 土曜日は原宿ラフォーレにある様々な着物ブランドのポップアップへ行ってまいりました。 But before that let me show you my outfit. It was a very special day for me because I made my Hakama Debut! (Meaning I...
  • 「着物についてのインタビュー」Interview with The Daily Dot

    「着物についてのインタビュー」Interview with The Daily Dot
    After someone took a photo of me wearing the Space Invaders kimono in a train station and putting it online, Twitter completely blew up so that the photo/tweet was seen by 1.4 Million people and was retweeted over 15,000 times. この間、手作りのスペースインベーダー着物でお出かけしたところ、駅に「着物の写真を撮っていいですか?すごいですね!」との事がありました。 顔なしの写真でしたのに、次の日ツイッターを見たら友達からのメッセージで「コレもしかしてアンジーですか?話題になってるよ!!」で先日の写真が!! とんでもない事になってた!オー 今まで見た人の数はなんと140万人で、リツイートは1万5千回以上です。 I didn’t know about it until a friend tweeted me like “Is that you, Anji? This tweet is going viral!!”...
  • SALZ Tokyo 2016 Summer Shirt Collection

    SALZ Tokyo 2016 Summer Shirt Collection
    It's that time of the year! The new SALZ Tokyo 2016 Summer Shirt Collection just dropped! SALZ Tokyo新作を紹介!2016年の夏Tシャツコレクション。
  • Kimono Rock Tokyo

    Kimono Rock Tokyo
    Yesterday I went to Kimono Rock Tokyo, a 3 day pop up store event (10th 11th and 12th of June 2016) in Harajuku featuring cool modern kimono brands. 着物ロック東京へ行ってきました☆ 原宿である「スペースさくら」三日間の着物イベント(2016年6月10〜12日)でした。 The kimono brand Rumi Rock hosts this fun get together sometimes and always invites fun and popular modern kimono brands. (See my post from last year: http://www.salz-tokyo.com/kimono-rock-tokyo/ ) This season Modern Antenna, Rumi Rock,...
  • 「谷崎潤一郎の着物ギャラリー」 Junichiro Tanizaki Kimono Gallery

    「谷崎潤一郎の着物ギャラリー」 Junichiro Tanizaki Kimono Gallery
    Last month I was invited to join a fun group of kimono enthusiasts and check out a lovely kimono exhibition in Tokyo. The exhibition carried the name of Junichiro Tanizaki (a famous Japanese novelist 1886-1965) who wrote about and drew many women in lovely (now antique) kimono. The gallery showcased a lovely collection of taisho roman kimono and accessories and was hold in the...
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